Kelly Point Sturgeon

Troutier Bassier
Active member
So I heard people talking about going to Kelly pint park for Bank sturgeon, Has anyone had luck there? And dose anyone know what baits are best there? Im only gonna use bait cause Kwikfish are too Expensive. :lol:

And do you need to cast far? I have 12' Surf rods. and Normal Sturgon rods.
And what else do they have at kelly point park? I know they have carp. *Smiles* And catfish and Smallmouth and Pikeminnow,
isn't there a creek or something that runs in there somewhere? Or was it just my imagination.
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Wow, 23 Views!
Im guessing no one has fished here then.
I think the Columbia Slough starts right there. I know people fish for Salmon, Steelhead and Sturgeon for the most part. I drove over there the other day and wasn't sure where to get to the beaches so I drove
Salmon Steelhead?!?!?!?!?!
Yup they have chromers there. I think the beach is called Social Security Beach but Im not 100% sure. It would be the beach facing the Columbia River I guess. Anybody else have a clue? I also heard its a nude beach so you may double your luck at that spot or double your bad luck :-)
Uhmmmm...... Better yet, If its a nude Beach, I would rather not go there.
The beach facing the colombia is Shallower I think
There are also some bank spots in Gobel were the old cooling tower used to be. As far as bait goes squid.
PDXKush said:
I think the Columbia Slough starts right there. I know people fish for Salmon, Steelhead and Sturgeon for the most part. I drove over there the other day and wasn't sure where to get to the beaches so I drove

drive into the park... the first parking lot on your right has ok beach access for the Willamette and the Slough, but if you continue on to the second lot...
and follow the path (NW edge of lot) it will lead you to the Columbia and the Willamette.

last time i was out there, I saw a few folks fishing in the slough (under and near the bridge)
there were also a few folks on the Willamette bank just upstream from the Columbia.

we just happened to be in St. Johns and I didn't have my pole or I would have kicked it for a bit.

need to head back there with my gear.

maybe a quick game of disc at Pier on the way home
Had my boat out there yesturday and boated 13 sturgeon all shakers but three were very close and good fun.
KP sturgeon

KP sturgeon

I have a boat so I don't bank it but see people along there all the time. There was a guy that I have seen anchored up a ways off shore by the pilings right at the point who had an oversize on a while back. We got my sons first keeper yesterday just west of the Willamette mouth and landed 10 shakers. So the fish are there but I don't know how accessible from the bank.

So did you go out to Kelly Point Park ? last parking lot straight to river , past the potties , shot walk to beach, to the right is the auto off load area, to the left is 100 yards or more of beach for sturgeons, have seen a lot of people fishing, but never stayed to see what they caught, I need to try it next time I go up to sister-in-laws
Pshhht, I wish. I dont have any time, and I can't go fishing for 2 weeks cause I have waterpolo.
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