Just got me a float tube

So I went and did it, I went and got myself a float tube on Friday... I was going to use it saturday for some trout/bass fishing but that plan fell through since I had a bit to much to drink at the Spring beer and wine festival at the convention center Friday night.

I went and purchased a Classic Accessories Teton float and got Classic Accessories Thruster fins to go with it. I got the set up new for $120, the fins were $40 but I asked the store to price match another store and got it for $30. I didn't notice it until afterwards that the price for the fins were correct and the $30 fins at the first store was regular fins lol.

So before I go out does anyone want to give me tips and advice on how to use this thing? I plan to wear a PFD with it even though I dont have to just as a safety precaution since I'm not a strong swimmer and going backwards trips me out a bit since I can't see where I'm going. The last thing I want to happen is slam into a log behind me and puncture the tube lol.
Well ive been out in my tube once.. I gotta say going backwards is easy just watch out for stuff like sticks and logs. I started going out then realized i can't turn. but after some goofing around i figured that out too. Mine is used and has a small leak it seems so i have a mouthpeice to top it off while on the water. I had some small wind chop come up and well its kind of fun LOL. Dont got much more advice tho
Always go into the water BACKWARDS and very slowly. If you feel yourself fall...simply plop your butt down and into your tube. You'll be fine. I've had one for a couple of decades, with no problems.

I'd also recommend getting out well before it's dark. You'll be able to spot the best place to get out. And you'll want to walk slowly backwards getting out too.

Here's a link to a good book. It's published in Portland, and has other good tips. It's called "Float Tube Fly Fishing", by Deke Meyer.

Good luck. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

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Happy butte' freezes! My suggestion to you is to return that, get your money back and buy a cheap pontoon. It will keep you off the water and your butte' warm! My 2 cents...
I really wanted a pontoon, but the limitations of having a smaller car prevents me from getting a pontoon. Has anyone tried using the float tube at estacada lake at milo mciver park or that lake at clackamette park? I really want to try and get some fishing done there.
I also have a small car, but installed a roof rack and carry my pontoon on top. I've seen people in neoprene waders and belly boats at Estacada Lake. They looked pretty miserable with cold...
I have fished in Carmen Reservoir many times. Water does not get much colder than in that lake (the second lake in the McKenzie system). I had no problems being too cold in there, or in any other lake. I only wear jeans under my neo's.
i agree get a toon. they can be broken down and re asembled too so space in a small car should be no problem.. or go with a roof rack like meluvtrout said. i just recently got out for my first toon ride and it was a blast.
This is a thread about float tubes, not pontoons. It's a little late for purchase suggestions as he has already made a choice and purchased that choice.
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GraphiteZen said:
This is a thread about float tubes, not pontoons. It's a little late for purchase suggestions as he has already made a choice and purchased that choice.

Still not too late to save him! Come on people hold hands and let's sing the pontooner song! :)
ive gotta float tube. love it. little harder to get around then a toon but i've fished some cold places and been fine. i like it better cause i can troll with the tube and have the pole in my hand to feel the bites, as opposed to being in a toon and having to watch the pole. plus i have a two pole license so kick away with both poles in my hand and wait for one to start twitching. enjoy the tube!!!
michigan_transplant said:
ive gotta float tube. love it. little harder to get around then a toon but i've fished some cold places and been fine. i like it better cause i can troll with the tube and have the pole in my hand to feel the bites, as opposed to being in a toon and having to watch the pole. plus i have a two pole license so kick away with both poles in my hand and wait for one to start twitching. enjoy the tube!!!

I can troll with my pontoon with pole in hand ( electric motor ), and another pole in the rod holder ( 2 pole licence )
I have both and enjoy them equally for different locations: the tube to hike in to inaccessible spots (8 lbs), the toon for everything else. I have floated Estacada lake. Walk along the trail about a half mile; steep incline leads to fairly sketchy spots to launch from. Or walk further to the little falls where there's a flat beach-like area.
BTW: I wear thick old school vulcanized rubber neoprene waders over Smartwool long underwear and Toasty Toes. I last about an hour (with lots of kicking) in 45 degree water. When I'm cold I get out and cast from bank until I warm up. Heck, I usually have to answer the "call of nature" by then anyway.
You can get a toon up on a rack on a small car. IMHO Assembling takes way too long...unless you're camping for a couple of days.
Whatever: just get out on that water!
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