July chrome

Finally got a chance to hit a river for low clear water Summer Steelhead. I was testing some new terminal gear out and while adjusting my reel out of the corner of my eye I see my float start to move so I set the hook and fish on!!! It wasn't real big but still a scrapper and hatchery as she flew four feet in the air trying to dislodge the hook. I wrestled her in shortly later, said a few nice words and then bonk, bonk, bonk. She was caught on a jig under a float.

Switched over to the spinning reel in a new spot and started to catch Trout left and right. I wasn't fishing for trout so I would mostly try to not set the hook but a nice one decided it was going to die trying to eat my spinner. After bouncing off a few rocks I decided to keep this one. All in all a good day. It is always nice catching fish on new gear.
nice fish!! i have had so many trout swallow my spinners this year...id say probbably about 8 cutty's have swallowed a spinner of mine in the last 2 months! havent laned any steelys/chinook this year =/ ill get em tho!!
nice fish!! i have had so many trout swallow my spinners this year...id say probbably about 8 cutty's have swallowed a spinner of mine in the last 2 months! havent laned any steelys/chinook this year =/ ill get em tho!!

Thanks. Usually a faster spinning spinner will catch trout but not always. Steelhead usually like a slow spun spinner. So if you can slow down your blade hopefully you will be able to get a steelhead on in the near future. I catch most of my steelhead in low clear water in summer on a size 2 spinner. Hope this helps.
Thanks. Usually a faster spinning spinner will catch trout but not always. Steelhead usually like a slow spun spinner. So if you can slow down your blade hopefully you will be able to get a steelhead on in the near future. I catch most of my steelhead in low clear water in summer on a size 2 spinner. Hope this helps.

yeah, last year was the year i starded hookin steelies. caught and landed my first on a 1/4 oz thomas bouyant spoon. then hooked a nook on a #3 silver bluefox spinner. and keep hooking more! i have hooked a few this year but havent landed any! but have been catching trout that keep gettin bigger everytime!! and thanks for the tip Assassin!
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