It takes a team...

Doug needed to drive home to Seattle and get back to teaching math and science to 6th graders, so we had to be back by 11am, headed up through Cushman at sunrise and on up river to where it runs along 126...scattered fish on the sonar but no action, trolling back downstream, we watched one nook caught by an older guy being helped by 2 less older guys... that was all the catching we saw.

starting to think it wasn't our day, then just below the RR bridge a guy in a Hobie is bleeding a nook, we glide over to chat, exchange usernames on NWKA forum, says he just limited and did the same yesterday, all nooks. back to our trolling and he (bosun52) pedals along and shares he was using no flasher and really dragging his herring right on the why not, we pull off our BigAls, up our weight to 6oz, and really focus on keeping contact with the bottom...15min later, as we are about to reel in and call it a day, I am hooked up with a beast. Since Doug and I use opposite handed reels and I have plenty of tag space, we team up to get more meat in the boat (which means more going home with him :thumb: ), plus his first chance to net a big nook. the fish is a slow strong fighter, no fast runs, just slow strong deep runs, steadily pulling out drag that I had snugged up good. 5 or 6 times by the boat and it just runs off deep again, finally time to net and Doug catches the net slightly on a cleat but fish is in it and I drop the rod and grab the hoop as he gets the loose netting free. 40" buck that made me wish I had on shades. eace:

teamwork on the boat and today a tip from another boat, and because Igor needed to cancel, we took Pepper along for good luck...just never know what is going to get that chrome on the hook...cheers, roger
It's good to see the bucks are still running:thumb: Beautiful fish
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That's what keeps fisher folks out of trouble and OFF the streets, the whole "Fishatude" just won't let us give up and walk away...just in case. Great job getting that beast into the boat and on a tag! :thumb:
Sweet fish! Seems like a never ending run of great quality nooks on the slaw this year,

Getting down to the bottom seems to be the trick on a lot of rivers when it comes to chinook. Glad you got that one in. The cleats on my boat have hook a few nets it can drive you crazy.
Wow, what a brute!
We will be on the water before daylight on Saturday.
I hope you will leave a couple for us!!!!
in my chrome-blindness, I totally forgot to add that this was another trailing hook nook for us, he was hooked solidly right in the back corner of the jaw and the whole herring was there on the line on the forward hook for 90% of the fight, only in some of the last surface thrashing did it get destroyed and float away.

I was running my training hook a good 1.5 inch behind the tail yesterday so I am guessing this big nook made a pass just short of the herring and Bang had that hook bury in it's jaw...

also, during the netting, the 30# leader between the 2 hooks snapped at some point, so we were not getting a second chance if it had slipped over the hoop...good lesson for Doug having the netting catch up a little on the boat, just like all of us that have had that happen, he will be thinking about avoiding it all the time now....:thumb:
Been a TERRIFIC season thus far, Rogerdodger has the most fish by far. I am definitely trailing on the numbers. At least I have the largerst nook, smallest fish of any species, largest log/stick (a darn fine job by rogerdodger 'tailing' that one), I have caught the largest siltcoose weed by a large margin, believe we are tied on the miniture clams caught by hook and line though.

We definitely have a celebrity aboard ... Rachelle seems to get a bunch of positive comments ... ok, ok ... rodger does as well!

definitely having fun, roger is a darn good teacher!

Have noticed though, Pepper and I don't get to go fishing together ... add together our over exited states and it would be unbearable layful:. Come to think of it, Rachelle and I have not been in the boat together either ... smart man that rogerdoger.

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We will be on the water before daylight on Saturday.
I hope you will leave a couple for us!!!!

Mike- pressure is on you now, we left them out there- Rachelle and I spent the day trolling for chrome with JeannaJigs and the only action was a really nice take-down on Jeanna's rod that just did not it was a beautiful sunny day out there and not crowded with boats...I did hear that another OFF member had a very good outing, going 2/2, hoping he posts some pictures soon...
I hope we can seal the deal as tomorrow will be our final Siuslaw trip for the year. The nest weekend is a four day stay in a cabin at Fish Mill Lodge on Siltcoos.
I hope we can seal the deal as tomorrow will be our final Siuslaw trip for the year. The nest weekend is a four day stay in a cabin at Fish Mill Lodge on Siltcoos.

cool, we will see you out there for sure, I am hoping the Fiddle Creek arm heats up, Rachelle has 4 more coho spots to fill so we will have the PB out that weekend...roger
The Big Show
Are most of the fish up river now? Do you guys use the same methods at Siltcoos? I appreciate any help you could give me, been wanting to go there for many years. Thanks
I was there last weekend and there were still fish just above Old Town. Mainly trolling plug cut herring here. Siltcoos is either spinners or plugs.

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