Icy guides on a cold day

Went fishing in freezing weather today and had a blast. There were hardly any people and I pretty much had the entire river to myself. The only problem (other than getting skunked) is that the guides on my rod kept filling up with ice. Every 2 or 3 casts I would have to stop and clear them out. Also, my mainline is all rough and cut up in spots from rubbing on the ice and I'm going to have to replace it before my next outing.

Has anybody else had this happen, and do you have any suggestions? I don't want to have to replace my mainline everytime I go out on a cold day.
As far as iced up guides? Yep happened to me all day today. I've fished many winters withiced up guides and have never had a problem with it hurting my line. You said you cleared your guides like every three cast. Maybe how your clearing the guides is causing it. I fish d today from 6:00 am until about 12:30 and I think I had to clear my guides a total of three times. Insteead of nocking the ice out I just dip my rod in the water every couple cast it doesn't clear the ice out but I think it keeps the line from freezing up.
Kirkster has it. You can hit your guides with wd40 before you head out on frozen mornings and it helps a little bit. You should see how much ice builds up on the rods that stick out of the back of the boat when I run up the river.
Kirkster has it. You can hit your guides with wd40 before you head out on frozen mornings and it helps a little bit. You should see how much ice builds up on the rods that stick out of the back of the boat when I run up the river.

Hey but that's what that LP fired dish heater is for. Nice to hear from you Mr T.;)
I was clearing them simply by pushing the ice through. I noticed it on my 5th cast when I couldn't figure out why my line wouldn't reel in quickly. Toward the end of the day I noticed my mainline is rough and nicked up, like it had been rubbing on a rock all day, and realized it was from the ice.

I was thinking of spraying windshield de-icer on my pole and the guides but I'm afraid that it might be corrosive and damage the it over time. I'll try the WD-40 next time though.
I just kept dipping the frozen ones in the water and it seemed to do the trick.
With a bit of shake to get the excess water off.
I just whack the rod into the water a few times.

Braided line REally loves the frozen temps and cold water!! Before you know it, line wont even strip off of the reel!!!
i think berkley makes ice line made for ice fishin it's very resistant to wear from the ice. or you coat your guides with vaseline on carmex because it won't freeze.
I'd be worried about residual oil from anything sprayed on the guides (WD-40, cooking oil, vasoline) going into the water and putting the fish off the bite...
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