I had to say somethig

So I have some reports from a few of my local lakes today and some videos but hey are still cool but one is the opposite of what it should be but I tecknically fished 4 bodies of water today but started my night as soon is got into town and i am going to bed instead of downloading,recollectiong, and posting. but count them 4 different boddies of water but at the same time only 2 diferent rivers. I love puddle jumping.
Sounds like an ideal way to spend the day. Last January,during one of the snow storms,Autofisher and I spent the entire day fishing our way from Stayton to Detroit. We stopped at every available water hole and had a blast. Even had snow blowing UP our noses at Detroit! Yep,puddle jumping is great! Want a report and pictures when you wake up. ;-)
I would be beat......ive never done four bodies of water on one day


Hmmm,wonder how much fun it would be to have a "fish-a-thon"...maybe set up a list waters and have spotters at each one with a sign in sheet...one hour maximum to hook up and then move on...meet up at the end of the day and have a blow out bbq?...Hmmm:think: :D
Raincatcher said:
Hmmm,wonder how much fun it would be to have a "fish-a-thon"...maybe set up a list waters and have spotters at each one with a sign in sheet...one hour maximum to hook up and then move on...meet up at the end of the day and have a blow out bbq?...Hmmm:think: :D

That sounds fun too...how the heck am I supposed to get a job with all this fishin fun going on?
Double hat trick

Double hat trick

One day last summer I fished the Molalla and caught a small mouth bass, a cutthroat trout, and a Northern Pikeminnow. Then I stopped by my favorite little pond and caught a bluegill, a crappie, and a large mouth bass. I think it would be cool to see who could catch the most different species in one day.
adambomb said:
One day last summer I fished the Molalla and caught a small mouth bass, a cutthroat trout, and a Northern Pikeminnow. Then I stopped by my favorite little pond and caught a bluegill, a crappie, and a large mouth bass. I think it would be cool to see who could catch the most different species in one day.

Last saturday at medco pond i caught 4 different species all on spinners :D Lots of bluegill, a couple large mouth bass, a few crappie, and an bunch of 6inch rainbows.
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