I Blew It!

Inspired by Mad Dog's <20 cast day, I figured, "Hey, I'll do that too!" LOL!

Went out this morning and crazy enough, it looked like it could happen! On about my 10th cast of drifting corkies/yarn, something felt 'OFF' after a few ticks...hung up, I guess. Of course, I soon learn that's the sort of ingrained thinking that'll get me in trouble and I need to stop.

I instinctively tug up a bit to pop out of the 'snag' and something pulls and wiggles back...set the freakin' hook! I give a good rod bend and out of the 4 foot water, a steelhead erupts from the water...and that was it...a head shake while leaping and out pops the hook.

So, I didn't get a solid hookup and I'm pretty sure if I woulda just set the hook to begin with, things might have been different. All this time waiting for my first steelhead and I blow a good chance. <sigh>

Nothing else for a couple hours up and down the river, so I switched to my new hobby and went one for two rainbows on the flyrod. About noon, the river started to become a carnival, so I left.

OT, but I'll post the pic anyway :)

2011-07-10 09.52.41.jpg
Inspired by Mad Dog's <20 cast day, I figured, "Hey, I'll do that too!" LOL!

Went out this morning and crazy enough, it looked like it could happen! On about my 10th cast of drifting corkies/yarn, something felt 'OFF' after a few ticks...hung up, I guess. Of course, I soon learn that's the sort of ingrained thinking that'll get me in trouble and I need to stop.

I instinctively tug up a bit to pop out of the 'snag' and something pulls and wiggles back...set the freakin' hook! I give a good rod bend and out of the 4 foot water, a steelhead erupts from the water...and that was it...a head shake while leaping and out pops the hook.

So, I didn't get a solid hookup and I'm pretty sure if I woulda just set the hook to begin with, things might have been different. All this time waiting for my first steelhead and I blow a good chance. <sigh>

Nothing else for a couple hours up and down the river, so I switched to my new hobby and went one for two rainbows on the flyrod. About noon, the river started to become a carnival, so I left.

OT, but I'll post the pic anyway :)

well, i think il agree with brad. it's always nice to get out even with fish lost. nice bow by the way can't beat a nice fish on the fly!
That`s good fun, still! I know it doesn`t necessarily feel that way at the time, but ya learned AND saw a steel jump.. and win:) Happens all the time!
Bummer....don't fret about it though....I do that all the time! You're not the only one! I've missed lot's of them like that! Too bad it didn't stay stuck!
it is better to have tugged and lost... than to never have tugged at all- nice trout-

Yup, I agree too. Unless the rod breaks. And then the fish breaks off. Happened to me last time out fishing for springers. Luckily my friend only fishes Buzz Ramsey rods.

Sounds like you'll be getting one soon!
You dont know what pain is lol. I'm 2 for 9 right now and the boat in the last 3 weeks is 6 for 20.... I hope my luck's turning around for me tho, we did land the last two.
There's a drift fishing saying I have heard and try to live by now: "jerk or be one!" I've missed EVERY fish while drift fishing for the same exact reason you did: LOC- Lack Of Confidence.
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