I am done with people


New member
Went to fish bonneville yesterday, at the boundary, fished most of the day, no one hooked up despite the great counts. We decided to leave and watch all the salmon swim up tanner creek which was closed but as I peered in further I saw 3 people on the rocks underneath the bridge, one washing blood off his hands and after seeing a pole they were clearly fishing. Not long after another guy came in from behind me and started throwing rocks at all the salmon. The guys "fishing" below the bridge were clearly snagging as they were ripping their rods up and losing spinners left and right. I decided to inform the people at the visitor center who clearly knew nothing and told me the creek is open all year and odfw personnel have houses on the creek and can fish there, left and informed a security guard and he told me they could fish and it's open until 8 pm. Finally found a park ranger and he said its closed and he would look into it, safe to assume nothing will happen at this point. What is wrong with people?
left and informed a security guard and he told me they could fish and it's open until 8 pm. Finally found a park ranger and he said its closed and he would look into it
You need to talk with someone who has the authority to enforce game laws. Call it in. Use the Oregon poaching tip line. 800-452-7888.

I wish more people would use it. The blatant disrespect for our aquatic species is appalling.
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