How to capture a squirrel in 6 easy steps.

Troutier Bassier
Active member
to capture a squirrel.jpg

That about covers it... ;)
but has this been tested and proven to work??
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A volunteer shall be testing my hypothesis tomorrow.
Remember to video it....
HAHAHAHA. awesomeness. :clap:
Yeah man, that's funny! If it works let us know.
thats awesome. I haave squerel that comes to my door to get fed. it will eat out of your hand and if you open the door too much it will jump in my house. I think I have a video of me feeding it I will look for it.

Do be careful. Squirrels have been known to bite and sometimes carry diseases.
I was bitten by a squirrel at Oxbow park a few years ago.. Grabbed the thing by the waist and SNAP. the thing bit my knuckle,
So, how does BBQ squirrel taste?
Rolling on the floor laughing!!!

Now I know how to get rid of the squirrels, at my place (sans repeating .177 pellet guns).

Can you imagine the story that squirrel told his pals at the pub that night???
HAHAHA thats awesome jim.
I have found, if you lay on the ground and make a noise (your choise as to the kind). When the little beasty aproches the see what kind of a nut you are you just grab him or her behind the head so you don't get bitten. Now you have one pissed off squirrel in your hand, and good luck!
Grey squirrel is pretty good, the closest thing I could compare it to would be wild rabbit, never eaten any of the brown tree rats
makes great dumplings!
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