How is the Nestucca looking?


Well-known member
I will be heading over there Monday and with this rain it should be decent I would imagine.. What river level does it fish best? Does it clear fast? Does it turn to choc. milk? When water pushes fish in what part of the river fishes best?

Any help would be great, just trying to get the best out of the trip.. I have never been there!

I will be heading over there Monday and with this rain it should be decent I would imagine.. What river level does it fish best? Does it clear fast? Does it turn to choc. milk? When water pushes fish in what part of the river fishes best?

Any help would be great, just trying to get the best out of the trip.. I have never been there!


If your bank fishing the upper river anything below 7.3 feet is good. The river is now at 5.89 and rising (not projected to get over 6.5). I prefer it to be in the 6 to 7 area because I like to fish from 4th bridge and higher. Right now there are fish though out the whole system. You really can't go wrong on this river. If it's too fast or choc for ya, just keep heading up, the upper river stays nice most of the time. Good luck man!!
Great fish

Great fish

We were just there today. No luck but the water was great. If you find a tackle box its mine....threw it in after throwing everything else...:D Just kiddin. Here are a couple pics. Have video too but can't get it to upload....only from my cell. Keep forgetting to get good batteries for the good camera.
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