How fast do fish run?


Well-known member
If steelhead entered the Alsea river in the point A (Waldport) how long will it take them to reach the point B (the hatchery)?
In other coastal rivers when the rain comes they can move a long ways in just hours. We have marked a lot of big fish in the Siuslaw one day and can't find any the next, and we went all the way to fresh water. about 12 miles. They are fast when they want to be. Don't know if this helps, Dan
From what I have heard salmon in a large river system (i.e. Columbia/Frasier ect.)average 7 to 10 river miles a day once they leave the estuary. If you watch the dam counts on the Columbia they will usually coincide with this.
As far as coastal streams it is going to depend on how much water is in the system. also once the fish leave tide water the going gets tougher and they tend to hold in certain spots at times. Once you are familiar with these holding areas you can apply that knowledge to any salmon/steelhead stream and find fish in similar areas.Reading water is the trick to being sucessful. I make a pretty good parrot. I just wish it was that easy all the time. Sorry I got off track.... I would say 70 river miles with good flow 10-15 days if the fish shot straight to gravel I mean hatchery.
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