How do you catch steelhead when its toooo hot

Help! the river is full of steelhead but its warm arround 80 Degrees in the water! Any suggestions? I fish from a boat.
I have had the best luck with small bait fished with less weight. I also have use small dark colored corkies, even black will work. I mostly fished the South Santiam this way, and did OK. Water is low and clear be as Stealth as possible. Good luck, Qwa
you're fishing on the east side of McNary dam right? If so you can legally fish at night for salmon and steelhead from the McNary dam to the Oregon/Washington border and if you do you might have better luck as the water might cool down some.

Me, well I have been fishing from Boardman to Umatilla on the Columbia from the bank and even dropped a 1/8 ounce maribou on a steelhead a few times (thumped it in the snout) and it would just move a couple inches each time, but wouldn't get mad enough to bite. And I can't legally fish at night where I have been going.

A friend of mine would put on an egg hook for trout with a single egg and drift it without any weight and get them in the heat this way (also when there was a lot of pressure on the fish like during fall run on the Umatilla).



Yea I fish Mcnary above the dam a lot, but I do fish the mouth of the Umatilla and at the hatchery sometimes. Its suppose to cool down a bit an Im headed above the dam for some night fishing, Ill let you know how I do!
Dude if the water is 80 the fish are either dead or not there... look for cooler tribs... :lol:

Mike the only two tribs in this neck of the woods are the Umatilla river (which is very low water and very warm water (80+ degrees) or Lake Wallulla (where the Snake and Columbia meet and the Columbia river turns North if you were headed upstream).

The next closest trib would be the Deschutes or the John Day where they meet the Columbia which is over an hour drive from me.

The good news is they have opened up the spillway on the McNary dam and are letting a little more water flow which should bring the cooler water from the North down to us.

Mike the only two tribs in this neck of the woods are the Umatilla river (which is very low water and very warm water (80+ degrees) or Lake Wallulla (where the Snake and Columbia meet and the Columbia river turns North if you were headed upstream).

The next closest trib would be the Deschutes or the John Day where they meet the Columbia which is over an hour drive from me.

The good news is they have opened up the spillway on the McNary dam and are letting a little more water flow which should bring the cooler water from the North down to us.


Try cruising the shorlines looking for ANY bit of slightly colder water.
If the water really is around 80 deg the fish probably are stacked up somewhere in colder water.

The Umatilla has water over 80 deg?????? That seems hard to believe but that's crazy if true. That's like a hot bath!
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