Hook size

I am getting confused on what hook size to use. One person said I should use a 3/0 hook for steelhead. Others say size 1 or 2. They are almost opposites!

I am also going ling-ing. The biggest size jighead Joes had (with about 5 or 6 inch curly tail grubs) was a football-head 3/0. Is this big enough?
I have hooked hundreds of fish in the last year on # 4's primarily, and # 2 Owner SNP's while targeting Salmon and Steelhead. When drift fishin I don't go bigger than a size 1. But I use 1's a lot, while backtrolling divers for Chinook, and Steelhead alike in the Clackamas. A 1/0 is also a fine choice for Clackamas Chinook. And setting a hook that big(3/0) for Steelhead with anything other than a backbouncer, or big hurky 25-40 is going to be a challenge.

Those big curl tail grubs in white, and black are all you need, and the 3/0 is big enough for most Lings you will be targeting. Also, you'll notice that Owners hook sizing is very different than any other companies out there. An owner number 1 is about the size of everyone elses 1/0's, so just be aware when choosing a hook size in the Owner brand.
Those big curl tail grubs in white, and black are all you need, and the 3/0 is big enough for most Lings you will be targeting. Also, you'll notice that Owners hook sizing is very different than any other companies out there. An owner number 1 is about the size of everyone elses 1/0's, so just be aware when choosing a hook size in the Owner brand.

Yay thanks! I don't know if my mom will touch a ling even though she loves the taste... :shock:
I run exclusively #2's for winter fish and #4's for summer steelhead. Jumping sometimes to a 3/0 MAX for Chinook depending on water color, though usually running a 2/0. I've accidentally caught a small summer steelhead on a #6, trout fishing though, that was interesting, lost it right before I could bank it.

Everyone has their own preference, I've seen guys with ginormous 5/0 hooks on the Mac...which is excessive I think. I think most people think bigger is better when targetting larger fish, but that's not necessarily the case.
"FishSchooler", to confuse you even more, this guy likes his hooks down around #8 for finesse jigging. You probably know already that regardless of size, steelhead hooks are Xstrong.

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