Hmmm am I still skunked?

Hmmm am I still skunked?

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So I have had a mean skunk going on for a while now, so I headed to the coast today to try and kill it. Here's the problem, my girlfriend was focusing her efforts on crabbing while I tried for any kind of fish that would bite some sandshrimp. All I ended up catching was a keeper crab. So am I still skunked? After all we WERE targeting crab.
Two keepers and a sand shrimp I inadvertently caught when scooping water in a bucket. My girlfriend isn't afraid of the crab but for some reason she won't go near the sandshrimp.
this is only a temporary skunk kill... like in a video game when you respawn to a new location.... gotta crack some chrome and send that skunk to the taxidermist to make a rug out of!;)
Sorry i had to vote still skunked. It happens to all of us sometimes. Just think when you do hook up it will be all the more rewarding. Fish on :pray:
I didn't vote because I'm stuck in the middle. You didn't get what you were after but at least you caught something that your girlfriend was after.
I don't know...I guess it depends on what your first intensions were when you left the house. You said you headed to the coast to kill the skunk....were you thinking fish or crab? I suppose fishing is fishing and if I were out to catch salmon and, the unthinkable happened, like catching a Carp:shock::rolleyes: then I'd probably take it as Not a skunk day so I vote 'no'.
Did you crab at the right tide, right moon..
Scottishsmokedsalmon caught a crab on a sandshrimp off our dock..with a pole..he walked it to the bank..
I don't know...I guess it depends on what your first intensions were when you left the house. You said you headed to the coast to kill the skunk....were you thinking fish or crab? I suppose fishing is fishing and if I were out to catch salmon and, the unthinkable happened, like catching a Carp:shock::rolleyes: then I'd probably take it as Not a skunk day so I vote 'no'.

I was thinking all fish! I did however know that fishing a sandshrimp on the bottom could very likely end up in hooking a crab. I don't even think there were any fish where I was fishing. My girl wanted some crab so I sucked it up and made the ultimate sacrifice.
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