hmm another one gets away (video)

Well-known member
no sound or cool music but the end is pretty funny.

wife started filming about 5 mins into the fight

this was sunday on the Nestucca, 2nd one lost like this in a week

this one was for sure a finclipped summer :(

Am I evil for busting out laughing at the end? That was an awesome reaction.

Looks like he got acrobatic at the end and worked it lose. Hell of a fight though.
That was a bummed deal. Been there and done that more than once. Looked like it put up a pretty good fight.
That was one nice fish! What was that last ditch effort all about? You shoulda dove head first arms wide open. lol
omg dude... that's EXACTLY what i do... run after the *******!
almost had him in bro,,,,that last part was funny as it gets i was waitin to see you dive in after him:lol:
I was right on top of him in the water too.. I could have kicked him if I wanted too.. I was just frustrated and felt like chasing his ass I guess.. I don't know just a natural pissed off action... lucky I didn't draw and start putting rounds in the water after him hahahahaha
I gotta say, you're pretty spry. Of course I don't think that there's a one of us that hasn't had that happen or haven't tried to dive in after one. Heck, Raincatcher almost dove in on my first steelhead.
You need to show those fish who's the boss!
Yea should have just drug him up on shore..or remembered to bring my net... Monday morning quarterback...

Ohh and its ok the laugh.. I sure did lol.. just the way this game works.. win some loose more.. feeds the addiction..
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Great fight. I had that happen to me once, but I had a net. So I ran out and netted it because it was just sitting in slack water. As i was walking back to shore, steelhead in net, it flops out of the net and jets back into the river, never to be seen again. :( Good times
Great video...I laughed too....:D It does suck though but like you said it feeds the addiction
As the saying goes, "It's better to have hooked and lost then to not have hooked up at all". I've been there a few times too...with the same reaction. :cool:
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