Hike in Lakes

I have been wanting to try some of the small lakes above Detroit. Last time I had the wife an she freaked on the forest roads. Anyone fish these lakes or interested in them like Me?
There are several just above Detroit. The Olallie lake basin is probably the easiest to find, and several lakes very close together. Others up there are harder to find, and or require a little bushwhacking to get to.
Yes some of the lakes just east of Detroit. As far as what lakes any that can be found. Anyone been to some an have good directions. Went looking once but not the best of luck.
find a good forest service map of the area around olallie lake its up breitenbush rd from detroit. theres at least 5 or 6 lakes up there and some are horse in, hike in, drive in. nice area. Brian
It used to be a good book store had topo maps reasonable. Indexed by area, with help available. Might be a dumb suggestion, but ive found lots of good hiking/backpacking by doing it. good luck.
Marion lake and Pamilia lake. They are easy to find and usually have very good fishing. It's been a few years since I have been to them though. If you go to Detriot ranger station, they have maps and a lot of great info.
Here is a map of a portion of the Olallie area to give you an idea of the amount of lakes in such close proximity, I have found that most of the lakes that are named seem to have fish, and have found fish even in some that aren't. Olallie is the big one in the bottom right looks like the name got cut off:

I took a trip to the Mink Lakes basin a couple weeks ago, several of the lakes are choked in reeds along the shore, a pair of waders or hip boots would make casting considerably easier. Lots of skeeters out right now, be sure to pack long pants and shirts with sleeves, a simple mosquito net I purchased at Bi-Mart for $1.50 maintained my sanity and kept the bugs off my face and neck.
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It's certainly unspoiled land, but very much on the edge of being spoiled, the trail is easy to hike, the location isn't too remote and the distance isn't any further than many of the most popular trails where people frequently day hike and the trailhead is at a lake that seems to be a very popular destination judging by the college age co-eds I saw hiking the trail in flip flops and bikinis carrying a cooler full of beer all it would take is a little more gumption to destroy the lakes behind the wilderness boundary. It's important that those who do visit this area be an example of responsible outdoors men and keep the campsites clean, stay on trails and pack out whatever you pack in or the area will be lost to future generations
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Thanks for sharing the pics! The Mink Lake Basin and all the the Three Sisters Wilderness is an awesome area. Your last line says it all, no trace camping!
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