help! broken rod

I hooked up today on my second cast and after about three seconds the end eye insert of my rod popped out! crappy..... So I tried to fix it since I was about a mile in. Ended up completely smashing the end eye. Its a lami certified pro and I need to get it fixed by friday night. I want to get it done right and its a second so it doesn't have a waranty. Could someone tell me a good spot to get it fixed QUICK!

heat the barrel of the tip top with a lighter for about 2 seconds (try to not get the blank itself at all) and with a pair of pliers you can easily (gently) twist off the top guide. take the guide with you to your favorite tackle shop, or even walmart I believe sells replacement guide kits. just find a tip top with the same diameter of barrel. the kits normally come with rod guide cement that looks like a glue gun stick. if you dont buy a kit just make sure you find some of the right glue. you heat the glue with a lighter and it becomes nearly liquid. put that glue on both the blank and a little bit inside the barrel of the new tip top. slide the tip top on before the glue cools and make sure you get it aligned right.
thats all it takes to do it yourself so unless you find a place that will do it dirt cheap you can easily do it yourself for no more than a couple bucks.
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Thanks man!:D:dance: ten seconds and it was off. I was thinking it was wrapped like the rest of em. Thank you much.
I something similar happen Monday to one of the middle eyelets. I stopped by Bi-Mart on the way home, where I bought it, and they handed me a new one no questions asked.

Edit - I see Osmosis got you running again
no problem. I've had to do this several times myself.
the first time I had it happen I was pretty bummed that I broke one of my favorite rods, came to find out that when you have all the parts it only takes a minute or two for the fix :D
This happened to me this winter at the peak of the winter run, and I was bummed, I was ready to toss the rod. The tip snapped right off two inches from the end. Fortunately, I did what Osmosis said to do above, I carefuly cut back the broken remnants to make it smooth, and used the original tip with the glue stuff and a lighter. My rod's now a "custom" 8'4" instead of 8'6" but it works, and it wasn't a total loss like I thought. I was concerned about the strength, but I hooked into a couple steelhead and a 'nook so it's solid.

quick cheap fix. 2 bucks for the glue.
its always suprised me how easy the tip can come off a nice rod, but then it has always amazed me how much abuse I have given mine with so few breaks, now I keep super glue and a spare tip in my tackle.
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