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Could you tell me which pond is Vernonia pond? In Google Map(refer above general info), Verninia Lake means Vernonia pond? Looks like there are warmwater fishes as well as trouts. What bait would be best? I'd like to take my friend to eager to catch trout.

Thank you in advance.
It is called both. They stock trout in the lake and it will be stocked this coming week I believe. There are warm water fish there as well. They stop stocking when the water get too warm and then the bass fishing is usually OK.
Came back from the pond with a friend, have seen only two guys caught one each. Wouldn't hit power bait(ping, orange). It was raining and temperature(water surface 49-51, strong wind, very green color). saw a couple of aboater tried to catch bass by bush and wood(logs), no luck.
Vernonia pond is home to monster Blue Gill. Any lure or fly with some red on it seems to attract them. Sometime back I caught a Blue Gill so big that I kept him in the freezer for years just to show him off!

Crappi are not as plentiful as the Blue Gill, but there are some mighty big ones in that pond.

On a hot summer evening you can catch 8-10 inch, frying pan size, perch by the bucket full. There are also Perch in there that probably rival the state record. I saw a gal catch one that was just shy of 18".

In other words, when you fish Vernonia Pond, forget those stinky little card board tasting planted rainbow, and go for the pan fish.
Yeah Lake Vernonia is also the Vernonia or Oregon-American Mill Pond... most of the locals call it the Lake... I remember some really great fishing along the edges of the old floating sawdust islands (long gone now)...

When you talk about fish in there, don't neglect to mention the Bass, Trout, Bullhead and Sturgeon. The State of Oregon dumped in all of its extra Hatchery Trout and some Broodstock. We planted Bullheads from Ed Miller Cedar Mill pond years ago, Sturgeon from Scappoose Slough, and some California Black Bass that some of us bought out of a company in Sports Afield magazine in there back in the early 70's... It was back in the time when we were pulling logs out of streams, clear cutting to the edge of the stream and dredging gravel from the stream beds to make deeper pools because some Biologist working for Governor Tom McCall said it was what we needed to do to help the Fishery.

And have heard 'tales' of some 'tackle busters' hiding in there biting from time to time. We did a catch-n-release on a four foot Green Sturgeon in July of 2008, so we know there are at least a few still in there!
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