Harrisburg sturgeon fishing

I was wondering if anybody has info on sturgeon fishing from the bank by harrisburg.I heard rumors but havent looked into yet.And I was also wondering about bank spots for sturgeon that are open to retention right now.Thanks for any info...
Anywhere on the Willamette above the falls in Oregon City is open game. Sorry I don't know of any spots by boat or land that far upriver.
you got to have a boat, but right at the bridge there is a extremely deep hole in that old slough, then down aways just below river bend resort there on the corner is a good spot. if you can find who ever owns the property on the other side from the resort would be my best bet, cause ive seen rigs drive right down to the river and start fishing
Thank you mosd.I was on yahoo maps last weekend and following the river down on the map found county parks between Harrisburg and Corvallis and put some time in last saturday.No much action but the willie was really rolling there last sat so when it comes down little more Im going to put more time in.Again thanks for the info.
theres another place you can go, just below harrisburg on peoria rd.. if you come to cartney rd. hang a left and keep going straight, you'll come to a boat launch. get out and walk down the launch and look up river you will see a deep hole just before the corner, its at least 40 feet deep, if not more... i see a lot of boat sturgeon fishing there, you have access to it as well... theres a few spits that go out into the river abit, and a person can get on one of them and fish from the bank./ heres a map of what im talking about. Yahoo! Maps, Driving Directions, and Traffic
hmmm im really leaning to bank angling sturgeon... i just dont know if my 8 ft rod would be up to it at places like this. I got a spinning 8ft cheapo salmon kit from walmart... med/heavy action 12-25lb test 1-3oz lure weight my other rod i have YET to find the details on its an 8 foot Eagle Claw Starfire. with pflueger supreme reel using i think 60 lb braid on it (nut case salt water fishing)
well i mostly just use a 9' heavy action ugly stick rod with a penn reel, and 50lb test braided tuff line, depending on the current anywhere from 4-6oz pyramid sinker . an it handles em just fine.

ive got friends that use, similar setups to what you have. heavy action salmon rod with level wind reel. one of my friends that uses the salmon setup caught a legal keeper last year on the yaquina
well if i can get the money for tags and some terminal gear and bait perhaps i can hook up with someone for some sturgeon fishin... cough... hint...
any time on the weekend, just help out with gas cost on the boat. i have no probs taking someone out. ill be heading down to reedsport tmrw to try the sturgeon fishing down there below the 101 bridge, then later get the boat and head up to scottsburg and deal with the springer fisherman. nexted weekend is completely open for me, so if ya like shoot me a pm about going

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