Guide fishing near Astoria

I went fishing with a guide service this past Monday, near Astoria, and we caught a lot of sturgeon, mostly within the legal limits and quite a few over sized. Later in the afternoon we went up closer to the bridge and did some anchored trolling (trolling but staying in one spot) and I ended up catching a pretty nice King but it was a wild King, so I couldn't keep it.

My question is this... Anyone know of a guide service that actually takes you out to catch take home fish? While I had fun catching sturgeon, I would have preferred catching my limit of take home fish before "playing" around catching sturgeon.

I want to take home some salmon and I would like to fish for some cod. I haven't seen any guides that list cod as a type they fish for regularly.


First, you need to make clear what you want to do with any guide.

Next, you can't "troll" in one spot (although maybe the guide used this misnomer)..

Guides don't know whether the fish will be clipped or not until you reel it in.

And there are no "cod" anywhere near Oregon, although you can fish for lingcod/rockcod and whatnot, which is OFFshore.
You might look into some of the dory charters at Pacific City. There are a variety of fishing experiences and lots of bottom fish and maybe salmon to take home.
DrTheopolis;n597468 said:
First, you need to make clear what you want to do with any guide.
Yep, my bad! Thus why I am not mentioning who I went with, don't want to bash him when we DID catch a lot of fish!

DrTheopolis;n597468 said:
Next, you can't "troll" in one spot (although maybe the guide used this misnomer)..
Actually, we did.... the incoming tide was pushing pretty hard if he shut the engine off we drifted pretty quick. We were trolling at the same speed as the incoming tide, so we were pretty much sitting stationary.

DrTheopolis;n597468 said:
Guides don't know whether the fish will be clipped or not until you reel it in.
Really? haha The issue was NOT catching a wild King, it was spending most of the day catching and releasing all the sturgeon! I would rather sit 5 hours and NOT catch anything while trying for freezer meat, than to only spend a couple hours of the day.

DrTheopolis;n597468 said:
And there are no "cod" anywhere near Oregon, although you can fish for lingcod/rockcod and whatnot, which is OFFshore.
That is what we were supposed to do, but the seas were too rough. "cod" without spelling out lingcod/rockcod.
I'm guessing that I'm either going to have to rent the entire boat or buy my own boat.
The point to the post is, voicing my frustration so you have an idea of what I am talking about and then trying to find a guide/someone that is more concerned with putting meat in the freezer before fishing for fun.
C_Run;n597470 said:
You might look into some of the dory charters at Pacific City. There are a variety of fishing experiences and lots of bottom fish and maybe salmon to take home.

Thanks, I'll take a look at those.
Buying or renting a boat to go out in the ocean is not your answer. If the captain says its to rough to go catch bottom fish then it was probably a good idea to stay in. Instead of letting the day go to waste he took you sport fishing. If you did not want to go catch sturgeon that you should have said something. Ask him to troll for salmon all day and may or may not catch any. Most guides you can tell them what you want to catch and they will put you in a good position to succeed.
Berg03;n597473 said:
Buying or renting a boat to go out in the ocean is not your answer. If the captain says its to rough to go catch bottom fish then it was probably a good idea to stay in. Instead of letting the day go to waste he took you sport fishing. If you did not want to go catch sturgeon that you should have said something. Ask him to troll for salmon all day and may or may not catch any. Most guides you can tell them what you want to catch and they will put you in a good position to succeed.

Renting was referring to pay for the guide boat... so I'm the only one there...
and I'm not saying that it wasn't too rough... I'm wanting my own boat so if the seas are calm, I can go anytime I want not just my scheduled day.

If I'm 1 out of 4 people, then I'm pretty much screwed for the captain to do what I want. Buying my own boat is MY answer! Or maybe I'll just make my own boat!
There are many good guides that fish for bottom fish if that is what you want. That may be the best option as a price point for meat. However, I have to say if you want a bunch of meat, look for an opening on the central coast all depth halibut, Aug 5 & 6th, and get a combined albacore/halibut trip planned. It is fun and you get very different types of food fish.

Meanwhile is a 30' Grady White
Hail out of Garibaldi on 14
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