Got my first ever steelhead today

I was fishing where the Minam and Wallowa meet, really just hitting the last week of trout season and got my first ever steelhead, a nice bright 25", about 5 lbs. What a fish..........I had caught several 14"-16" trout in the past and missed a few bigger fish but knew the difference pretty quick. I would love to include a picture but we only have dial up internet service and it just wants to lock up when I have tried in the past.

I was using a 1/8 oz. black rooster tail. I have heard that the fish are biting on the Grand Ronde in the Troy area, I will have to check it out and let everyone know.:D:D:D
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Congrats on the first steelie man:clap:.
Sounds awesome congrats on your first steel chromer
attempt at adding a picture

attempt at adding a picture

I hope this shows the image of my first steelhead
craigatkins said:
I hope this shows the image of my first steelhead

Wooohoooo bloddy chrome, gotta love it:D.
That will make a great dinner!

Were you using standard trout gear while pitchin' the rooster tail? That'd make the fight even more epic. The rooster tail..... Was the blade nickle, brass, or something other?
Nice one!
craigatkins said:
I hope this shows the image of my first steelhead

Seein that blood run down that chrome:dance:gets me all uhhhhhh!!! I gotta go:dance:JK nice fish bro.
Standard light trout gear, 6 lbs. line, 7ft. rod, black rooster tail with green spots and a bronze blade, it was actually a 1/6 oz. After about 4 or 5 minutes of making no headway it was all I could do to tighten the drag and then when I tried my trout net, about 16" long, I realized it was time to work my way to the bank and yard her onto the grassy bank I am hooked.:D
Nice job! my first steelie was about the same size, on about the same gear, a day in my life I will never forget.
oh man, your screwed! welcome to the life of a steelhead addict!:D
Can i please join the group? :(
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