Good Spinning reel

What would be a good Spinning reel for bobber fishing I only have level winds for my other stealhead rods. Im kinda fond of using abu garcia reels. Never have bobber fished for steelhead before either but gona try to get into it
Personally I would go with a levelwind for floating, as it allows you to extend your drift much easier than with a spinning reel. If you want to go with a spinner though, check out some shimano's. The shimano symetre is a great reel but so are many of there others. Fishermans is having a sale on shimano's right now and there pretty cheap, like almost 50% off:dance:.
I use spinning on two of my three float rods but I like to use lighter line and gear. On my bigger float rod I use a baitcaster and both ways work well. A lot of the rivers I fish are small as well so sometimes having to cast under downed trees is much harder with a baitcaster and if you hit part of a bridge your screwed!! I do like being able to extend the drift with the baitcaster but I am just as efficient with my spinning float rods!!

Shimano Saros is the best spinning reel for the money and the new curados are nice as a baitcaster. Good luck!
One of my favorite spinning reels is my Mitchell300xe. I have 2....................:D:D..................:cool::cool:
I have to second that, great freakin reels. I had a mitchell 308 when I was younger and got the 300xe a couple months ago and it is a great reel for a good price!
I was lookin for a spinning reel cause I can cast them better when not using much weight I can do it with my level wind but im a little more accurate with the Spinning. Think im gona check out the shimono's. Thanks
For the past few years I have been a Daiwa Excelor fan. I had/have 3 of them which never gave me any problems. The only reason I had to buy a new reel was because two of the rods/reels are now resting in the bottom of the lake! :( So to replace one of them I picked up a Cabelas Prodigy reel In the bargain cave for $69 down from $100.

I took it out last weekend and had no problems with it at all. Of course, I've never had a problem with any Daiwa made reel so I was not surprised by that.. :). Just some food for thought. I would have gotten another Daiwa Excelor but this reel was a nicer one at the Excelor price so I couldn't pass it up. My steelhead rod has a Daiwa Excelor 3000 on it and while I have not had any big fish to really test it out with, it worked fine as a WAY overkill crappie rod.. lol.. :)
Fishermans has a symetre for around $40
I found a spirex 4000 at Joes's for $25
Hawk said:
One of my favorite spinning reels is my Mitchell300xe. I have 2....................:D:D..................:cool::cool:

there you go mountain kiddin man....but yes your right....mitchell 300 xe well for both drifting and floating... but i'll rather put a level wind for float..not that i haven't used mitchell for floating but its more advisable to focus on fish when on hook... rather than fiddling with other parameters at that moment which can cost a fish...
One more thing I need a rod too I was lookin at the Berkley IM8 just don't know if I should get the 9'9 or the 10'6 most of the fishing would be from a boat I always heard the longer the better but wasn't sure if that applied to bank fishin or from boat too. Anyone used one of the IM8's? they seem to look pretty decent don't want to spend a bunch I already wen't overboard on my Loomis rod but I don't want a junk rod either.
i always prefer longer rod....whether boat or bank..
I run the IM8 with a Daiwa Tierra from the bank and i run it for both drift and float..... I have to say my IM8 is 9'6 and i love it!!! would be harder to fish some of the smaller water i do with anything longer... that is evan a lil hard at times but it works for now!!! i dont think you can go wrong with the IM8 for there price!!! I paid a lil more because i got it when it first came out but it was still a verry good rod for them mony i paid!!!!
Shimano Spirex FG or RG!
Well, I use a pflueger supreme xt...for 100 bucks is beats my symetres to death... its on a berkley IM 8 . 8'6...Its my spinner rig...Ive caught several fish on it and its ok...I use a shimano cennan for salmon...its waaaay more rod for the dough...fishermans has them on next week for 89 bucks...


You can't go wrong with Shimano....I prefer the Stradic in any size.

davep said:
Well, I use a pflueger supreme xt...for 100 bucks is beats my symetres to death... its on a berkley IM 8 . 8'6...Its my spinner rig...Ive caught several fish on it and its ok...I use a shimano cennan for salmon...its waaaay more rod for the dough...fishermans has them on next week for 89 bucks...

crap now i dont know if i should get a big rod for sturgeon or get a float rod to have with me too.. its a pain in the butt to have to rerig a rod and im stuck to the only one kind of line unless i chang reels or spolls..
Well ended up gettin the IM8 9'9 still kinda tossin around the reel thing. thanks for the info again.
luv2fish said:
there you go mountain kiddin man....but yes your right....mitchell 300 xe well for both drifting and floating... but i'll rather put a level wind for float..not that i haven't used mitchell for floating but its more advisable to focus on fish when on hook... rather than fiddling with other parameters at that moment which can cost a fish...


Bro, another favorite reel is my Abu Garcia 6500c Ambassadeur baitcaster. I've caught & mostly released many fish with mine.............................:lol::lol::lol:......................:cool::cool::cool:


all I can say is Shimano !
I just got an IM8 9' extra heavy for sturgeon and love it still not sure if my old penn reel is up to it.

And shimmano is the way to go for spinning smooth and balanced.

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