gillnet ban

Well-known member
I apologize for anyone offended by my uneducated comment on an earlier post, ignorance on the subject, not in general is what I intended.
Now, as for a goverment imposed ban..... your not going to get it, it has been tried in at least 10 fisheries, I was active in 2 movements and it is as simple as this, congressmen and senators promise industry and jobs, not the destruction of them, they know if they axe the gillnetters we will be after farmers and loggers next ( destruction of habitat ) the gillnetters are the line in the sand and they will dance around for years but will do nothing. and if thats not enough, many of your columbia river gillnetters are working under u.s native treaties.... to champion a cause once again breaking a treaty is political suicide and we all know politicans only do that with cocaine and call girls. Now, a system that has worked in both the bering sea king crab fishery and the trawle fleet is a goverment buy back plan, the states of washington and oregon simply buy the rights and the boats back from these individuals, as more sell out their cause becomes weaker and then obsolete. The holdouts simply fold due to the pressure of no allies or friends, this would cost millions and could be paid for in boat, license and launch taxes. this is the only formula that is gonna produce a result in this century. and just in case you didn't know, japanese drift nets and bering sea pollack trawlers catch 500 king salmon for every river gill net, so when you beat the little guys are you gonna finish the game with the major league boys? -good fishin
First way to go. Glad you didn't go all Ikea Bag on us!;) Second, people can't just give up because its been tried before, and failed. Even numerous times. America just wouldnt be with that frame of mind.

Maybe with help from guys like you who have been active in this stuff for extended periods, to maybe, share your experieces, your thoughts on where the failures may have went wrong, and what could have been done to perhaps make the venture more successfull. IDK. Sounds like you have some positive input though, somewhere in there. I need to go to bed.
Hitman good to see you made it back safe and sound...would like to get together with you when I'm not puking up my toe nails. I have a couple of Ideas to run past far as the big boys go we are looking for a permanent treaty cap, including by catch from the pollock boys...My understanding is drift nets were made illeagal in the UN in the mid 80's and could be treated as piracy vessels. When I suggested to the guy at ODFW the cap when we were drinking came out his nose...It was awesome, he about choked when I told him about the 70% to hatcheries, habitat, and predator reduction.
well unfortunatly Im stuck in a hotel in the alutains waiting for it to stop blowin 70.... but I will be home by the end of the month, we should get together, I have a couple of ideas for some fundraising... these battles take money, as far as drift nets someone should tell the japanese and rogue russian ships that are using them, our coast gaurd is drasticaly underfunded and its a big ocean. on the trawler front a brilliant fisherman has a pollock net under r and d that allows kings to swim out through escapement pannels so once again responsible fisherman are spending their own money to solve a huge problem. Pray for that team! good fishin, and I suggest crackers and flat 7-up on that pukin issue!! ;)
I'm looking forward to hookin up when you get home. Lots to talk about. Getting over the tossin chow but not a 100% Good luck getting out soon. Hearing its crappy means my fish are three weeks out..Thanks for the heads up!
One of the uneducated

One of the uneducated

There really isn't any reason for an apology from you. The problem lie in the intrepretation. That and "the heat of the moment" reactions. I admit to nearly complete ignorance on this issue so I am definitely one of the uneducated. It's embarrassing to admit since I've lived in Oregon most of my life. As a child,I was in awe of the Native Americans on their scaffolds armed with their nets. We would park alongside the road (certainly not a freeway back in the early 60's) and watch for a few hours then buy a couple fresh fish from them. All these years I thought the complaint was against this practice. I remember when the government stepped in and made them quit using the scaffolds. I have so much to learn on the topic. And I will. Thanks for lighting the fire to educate myself.
When and where is the next meeting? I will do my best to be there. I support you and your efforts and want to learn as well as contribute. Let me know the date and where to know you want to tell me where to go...:lol:
Fishtopher said:
First way to go. Glad you didn't go all Ikea Bag on us!;) Second, people can't just give up because its been tried before, and failed. Even numerous times. America just wouldnt be with that frame of mind.

Maybe with help from guys like you who have been active in this stuff for extended periods, to maybe, share your experieces, your thoughts on where the failures may have went wrong, and what could have been done to perhaps make the venture more successfull. IDK. Sounds like you have some positive input though, somewhere in there. I need to go to bed.

Nicely said...I tip my hat to you. As a combat veteran of a war fought long ago I hold my freedoms very close and will never give up on a cause that is just and honorable. Thanks for the pump up on the "never say die" attitude:clap:

Raincatcher said:
When and where is the next meeting? I will do my best to be there. I support you and your efforts and want to learn as well as contribute. Let me know the date and where to know you want to tell me where to go...:lol:

Don't feel bad Koadiak, I do too :lol: JK
I'll be there bro. One way or another.
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