Fly fishing report

Well-known member
Went down to one of my favorite streams yesterday to do some fly fishing, fshed for 5-6 hours and caught 3 fish in the first few stretches of water and noticed other fisherman.. i have rarely seen anyone fishing here so it was kind of a shocker. but they seemed to be doing catch and release like me so that was good to see. caught a few more fish and headed upriver missing a few strikes here and there, had to replace a few flies because the teeth on the cutthroat tear flies apart fairly quick. after heading up further i spotted 2 more fisherman, i know for sure my internet fishing reports have have led to more fishing pressure in this stream, there were also 2 local highschoolers down under a bridge with 2 little kids trying to catch and keep.. i recongnized them so i went down to fish and chat, they only had one small fish on the stringer and were having trouble catching fish (they were using big spoons and spinners) so i decided to cast, ended up outfishing them all with my rainbow prince nymph i got from this is by far my favorite nymph for indicator fishing, its a badass atractor pattern and has caught over 10 fish for me these past 2 days. they begged for me to give them my fish to eat but i refused and released them all, including the biggest fish of the day that took line and gave me a run for my money, they kept pushing it upon me to give up the fish i was catching but i said no and kep releasing, eventually the bite died off in that one pocket since i had caught 4 fish there, so i moved upstream caught 1 more and called it a day and went to work i will be taking my dad down to the city park today and try to get him his first fish on a fly rod. :cool: ps: i insterdted a pic of the fly that slays teh fishies. use it on a dropper rig. it works! size 14
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nice job brandon,glad to see you enjoying the addiction
bigsteel said:
nice job brandon,glad to see you enjoying the addiction

thanks for helping me with nymphing. you were right about it picking up a lot of fish :lol:
Nice Brandon! Wild fish are such handsome fish!

Don't stress over other folks on your favorite water. It's early in the season (this year) and the casual fishers will soon thin out, especialy those who are not catching fish.

nice job!!!!! Can't wait for this weekend's get together
lilsalmon said:
nice job!!!!! Can't wait for this weekend's get together

thanks rose :D omg i forgot its less then a week away! woohoo!!
Sounds like a lot of us had fun Saturday! Good job!

Se you all next Saturday,

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Good job Brandon. That thing about people getting PO'd when you release your fish never really goes away when you're fishing water open to retention. I had a memorable morning a couple seasons back out at Hagg. I went out tossing spinners - fishing up by the dam. The same old crew of old guys is there every morning, and this particular morning none of them were getting fish (all plunking power bait on the bottom) - I was fishing the top 5' of water with my spinners, and nailing fish every couple casts or so. I caught & released maybe 10 stocker trout, and about the fifth fish I tossed back - the old guy closest to me says "Uh, why are you tossin' all them trout back?" I smiled and said I don't keep fish much. He shook his head, and I could see their consternation with every fish I caught and released.

Some folks will ask nicely if they can have some of the fish you catch, and if they're nice about it, I don't mind keeping and giving one or two to someone who's fishing for their breakfast or dinner - but with folks who give a high pressure sales pitch, or get outraged and demanding, I put 'em all back, and might even make a bit more production about it, making sure to revive the fish longer.
Excellent Brandon! :clap:

You are making anxious to catch some Cutts! :lol:
thanks everyone. it was a great day. i hope to bag some real monsters after the fly fishing get together in some water i know i won't see anyone on :D
brandon4455 said:
thanks everyone. it was a great day. i hope to bag some real monsters after the fly fishing get together in some water i know i won't see anyone on :D think so? We might be stealthily following you
lilsalmon said: think so? We might be stealthily following you

i was planning on taking you and dave up there :lol: can you two walk 5-7 miles up a gravel road?
A little Krylon Camo and their car will just blend in and they won't need to walk!
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