Fishing on fumes!!!

Not much left in the tank!!! I think I've used up all my energy reserves! :rolleyes:

Went fishing last weds. morning, had to fish crystal clear water for shiney fish a least one more time this summer! I got there before daylight, it's always comforting when I walk the trail in the dark and arrive on the bluff overlooking the river and can hear the rapid below somewhere in the darkness....always gives me a good feeling! :D

The 1st hour of fishing was slow!!! Didn't see a single steelhead jump, no bites, nothing!!! Finally I made the perfect cast and got my gear tight to a ledge and felt a good take! The fish wound up being a 29" hatchery buck, this fish fought as well as any I have hooked this summer jumping multiple times and making 2 blistering runs that took me to within 5' of the bank on the far side of the river! Quality fight!!! I punched that fish and resumed fishing. I moved down to a choppy slot and on the 1st cast hooked a darker looking buck that shook of when it came to the surface. I moved back up to the top of the hole with no success so I moved back down to the choppy slot and within a few casts hooked another good sized steelhead. This one turned out to be another hatchery buck, it was 7:45, I had just caught a crawdad and wanted to use the tail for bait but mostly I didn't want to quit fishing that early! ;)

Never touched a fish the rest of the morning!!! Hit a couple of holes, saw some steelhead in one hole but no takers, seemed overall to be less fish than a few weeks back, I'm sure the run is winding down after a september spurt of fish. I'll probably hit it once or twice in October but there is too much salmon and hunting going on then for serious steelheading! Oh, well!!! Been a good summer, probably hooked 50 since the 4th of July!

The fish I kept. My eyes are fried in this pic!!! This was my 1st day off after working 8 days in a row! I realized that I had fished 5 of those days before work and that this morning was my 6th day of fishing in the last 9 days! My eyes were red and burning all day and I felt like I had been arc welding without a helmet!
Turned this hatchery loose! A nice looking fish about 28".
Inspiring report. I hope to learn the ins and outs of summer steelhead some day. Too much hiking and not much catching for me this year. I quit early on. Way to go.
It's a good thing, that you have an online support group...

except that...

Addicts are only encouraged to maintain the status quo, by the rest of us addicts!

So, wake up and GO FISHING!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
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So fun - hard to quit em yet... "Rocktober" madness!!! Some of the best days of steelheading for me are the fall... tons of eager fish, some of the bigger summer nates start to show as well. Good times - good report!
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