Fishing for winters in the Columbia at Tanner Creek?

I know Tanner is a big seen for summers but how is it for winters? I was thinking about going out there tomorrow morning to throw some hardware. Could it be worth it, or just a wast of time?
What happens next year?
I was mainly thinking about going there as an alternative for when the smaller rivers are blown out.
If I were you, I wouldn't take gas mileage advice from 12 year olds ;) But I would also recommend going coastal this time of year.
I was just thinking of going there for a morning fish then getting to work around 12 or 1. Its too long of a drive to the coast to do that. but going out to tanner is only like 45 50 min. I will probably head to the coast this weekend though.
I think Tanner Creek would be a good option. The Bonneville hatchery at Tanner Creek releases 60,000 smolt a year so they should have at least a decent run.
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