Every winter steelhead I've ever caught...it's been raining. That kinda goes with the territory though, ya know, fishing january through march on the coast=almost guaranteed rain 90% of the time. Summer fish are another game entirely, and I'm ashamed to admit it, but during the summer, i become a fair weather angler. It doesn't rain much, so when it does, I just say forget it...I know...SAD, this summer though I'll be out there rain or shine, as it's the last summer i'll be fishing here, so i'm milking it for all it's worth. But like the guys said, unless the water's rising rapidly, you really don't need to change up a whole lot, maybe just add slightly more flash and upsize a little bit, but not by a lot. If it's brown, well that's another story, but I don't think we'll be seeing a whole lot more of that for a while, since we're coming into may. I know I won't be dealing with colored water on the McKenzie at all. That creates it's own problems, crystal clear water, but, that's another topic for another post.
In the end, rain is ultimately our friend. I think. (My tag says so anyway)