First winter steelhead... ever

Went up to the Kalama for some steelhead action. and hooked into my first winter fish.
coming to a close on my first year fishing for steelhead and it looks like I finally have it down (or at least I found some water I know how to fish)
I know I need to put more time in on the Sandy and Clac, but its hard to pass up a river that I rarely get skunked on.

last few weeks the river has been pretty washed out,
Yesterday it was low, clear and really cold... almost too low, but we decided to fish.

hooked into 4 fish, only brought two to the bank.

pic isn't very good as we were losing light pretty quickly and my cell phone camera sucks.

big guys was almost 36 inches and the smaller one was 29

smaller fish was the brightest Steelhead I have ever seen.
even the tail fin had chrome on it, it was almost bluish purple when the light hit it.
sadly it came to the shore without a fight.
Bigger fish was not as easy to bank, fish put up the best fight I have had yet.

we were floating everything, but one came in on a pink work tail on a white jig head and the other on a black and red micro jig.
Nice job!! :clap: 36in. is a pretty dam big steelie! Did you get the girth?
Or weigh it! I'm interested to see what it weighed! 27-32in. is about avg for me.. but 36in. is a dandy!
no Girth... I need to start taking note of the girth and weight.
I got a free digital scale with the fillet knife I bought, but I keep forgetting the batteries


Drift off??? looks like I need to search through the forum

Great looking winter steels! That is definitely what is needed right now,success stories. I SO want to catch fish this weekend at the Drift OFF. Hope to meet you there.
Check in the Announce forum...
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