first springer caught....

That ain't right

That ain't right

Oh sure my favorite playmates show up and I'm stuck in a booth. Looks like that fish doesn't look 28 pounds though.
First springer to be "bragged about";). I know of one caught up at Moffett Creek. He just didn't call the news paper to start spreadin' the news:lol:...It is something to get excited about though. At least in my opinion! This is my favorite time of the year. And unlike steelhead, I can actually catch a fish that I can tag:rolleyes:...
No that fish surely was not 28 pounds! That was almost a joke that they printed it. But there were a couple hooked up and released just after Thanksgiving down below the falls. Obviously McKenzie fish or some other upper Willy stream. This was just the first one that everyone freaks out about in February, as usual. But they report chasers, and cryfishers turned that place into a parking lot! Impossible to sidedrift for whats in there now...Steelhead! Barf, whatta ya gonna do? Haha.
You can't really tell if it is... he's holding it at an angle and you can't see how fat it is. Maybe it ate a couple chunks of lead to gain a pound. :rolleyes: Or all those spinners out there.
There are gonna be some busy boat ramps on the Willie this weekend thats for sure. The internet has now taken over fishing as well...
It was a zoo today at the garbage hole, both the plunkatron crew, and the troll lines. They are ruining the best Steelhead water you can fish out there. Oh well, report chasers. Whadda ya gonna do, but start your own report for everyone to chase! Yow!;)
Hey the article said he happly released it just by simply cutting his leader so how did he get that pic if he released it by cutting his leader looks like he pulled it out of the water to me :lol:
Many times when a fish wholly commits to a strike, they get hooked fairly deep. In this case Lyn happened to not be able to easily reach the hook, so he cut the leader. And yes, I too would net it and boat it if I saw how many sea-cats were stewing around in the area. The fish was released, and it is legal to remove finned fish from the water, but I tend not to, unless I'm fishin in questionable sea-cat hunting grounds.
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