First on a fly

So I have had my fly rod for over two year and just never really took it out and used it. I decided today I would get out there with it and put it to some good use for a change.
Well ended up getting in to some fish with it, lost one and I have people to back me up on this one and it was a very large steelie but it spooled me down to my backing line and when it got there seems the main line had somehow twisted itself around the back. The fish at this moment was at full running speed and when the reel hit this point it was a dead stop and my leader snaped.
Then got in to this fish, a not so bad size dark nook, not a fish to keep but really fun fish for one of your first on a fly rod. Yeah I know this fish isn't a steelhead and this is the steelhead area but what can I say.

Oh but yeah this one is a steelhead though.

So now that I have used the fly rod and got in to some fun fish with it I have to say I like it. Not going ot say that it is the only rod I will be fishing with but think I will say it will be with me on every trip. I can't lie about it the fly rod is a fun rod to get some good size fish on and I will be hitting the water again soon with it. To think it has been hanging in my garage with the trout rods all this time lol.

Yay CJ....good job...I used to say and do the same thing...bring the fly rod along....What's an Okuma....ooohhhhhhh the dusty thing leaning in the corner....hehe....Glad you had a great day
lol If I would have known that it was that much fun to get a larger fish on that thing it would have came out a long time ago lol
I still carry the pic of my 18 lb'er around...:D
Great job cj you got a lot more patience than I do. The only fly rod I've ever had I turned a two piece rod into about a million so congrats to you.
It was fun to watch you in action with that fly rod. Yes that was a freak thing when that big Steelie broke loose on you. But redemption was in your name brother! Good times!

Didn't take to much patience though that was only the second time I took it out with me and the first time I didn't really use it but for maybe 20 minutes. I have to tell you they are fun rods man.

Yeah sucked that one broke me like that but thats how fishing can be though. Yes was a good time out there, not to sure about watching me in action with it lol would think it looked kinda funny seeings how never had a fish on it to learn how to fight one on it lol.

I'm not convinced CJ.:confused: I can't help but think that there was Bait involved.:think: If it was that easy to catch fish there on a fly rod then you need to get Jimmy down there right away!
Nope no bait involved, have people to back me on that one to lol.
Here is a better shot of the steelie though.
OnTheFly said:
I'm not convinced CJ.:confused: I can't help but think that there was Bait involved.:think: If it was that easy to catch fish there on a fly rod then you need to get Jimmy down there right away!
Hey wait not are you trying to say I can't get in to fish unless it is easy :lol:
Sound like you guys had a great time down there today! Since there is some question by OTF about the veracity of your catch, tell us, what fly were you using? Photos Please!

I wish someone would help me get into them like that. Maybe I'll take a drive over there next week. Is a 4 wt too big for those fish?

I was using a 5/6 wt and not going out to garage to get a pick but it was a leach fly.
man, I have been tryin to get out there I really want to try that spot, maybe even with the fly rod. But I have never fished down there and am not sure about what tactics to use
Sweet man!
oh hell yea CJ,,,way to go buddy...
Way to nail 'em CJ!! Looking good...the
bigdog said:
Hey wait not are you trying to say I can't get in to fish unless it is easy :lol:

To tell you the truth CJ I'm just frickin jealous.:lol: And I'm sure you worked hard for it.:rolleyes::D (nice fish bro! just giv'in ya a hard time.)
Way to go bro. I'm still waiting to get mine on the fly.
welcome to the dark side
OnTheFly said:
(nice fish bro! just giv'in ya a hard time.)
Oh I know you are bud.

autofisher said:
Way to go bro. I'm still waiting to get mine on the fly.
I have yet to see you on the water with a fly rod, then again we don't get to fish together near as much as would like.

Raincatcher said:
Way to nail 'em CJ!! Looking good...the
:lol: trust me I know you weren't talking about me :lol:

troutramp said:
welcome to the dark side
Yeah not fully nothing but a fly tosser but will for sure be doing it a lot more.
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