First Largemouth

Troutier Bassier
Active member
It was at Blue lake,

I was walking along the banks when I spotted 2 12 in Largies,
So I took a Plain worm and Casted, They look, No take,
I did this about 12 times
I let it sink to the bottom and before they left I jigged it and they came back, Finally I saw one open its mouth and I set the hook and Fish on! It wasn't very Bad either, It was about 14 Inchs, Very Nice for my first one.

So anyone who lives in the Gresham Area and hasnt caught a Largemouth go to Blue Lake!!!
I Recommend
Congrats on your first large mouth, my first time bass fishing ever I caught a 2 and a half pound large mouth and the addiction has never stopped since!
If you're a trout fishing lover I'll advise you to stop at catching that one bass. You'll fall to the bass side of the rod if you're not careful, young padawan :rolleyes:. I had been a trout fisher all my life til a little while ago after I caught the bass in my photo album and a few others. Sometimes when I'm sitting there doing nothing but staring at a rod tip in a local trout stream I find myself wondering just why the hell I'm here instead of fishing bass...
Im not a Trout Lover, Im a Bass Lover.
Bass have been my Favorite Fish forever.
Good job! I remember my first bass...

Saw her sitting right up on the bank spawning as I was trudging by. I was about 13 or so and was fishing with a pink spin-n-glow not knowing any better :lol::lol: I must have dropped that thing on her head 100 times from about 3 feet away I just couldn't understand why she wouldn't take it! So I go home and complain to my grandpa and he suggests to launch my rowboat and throw a jig up on the bank and drag it down into her nest. Went back the next day and sure enough, first cast FISH ON!! :lol: Good Times!
Lol, Begginers, they will always be there.
I agree. I used to love fishing for trout but I hooked into my first largemouth bass back in Michigan and it completely changed me! There's a certain thrill you get with bass fishing. Has anybody on here ever fished pike? It's an extreme version of bass fishing, I love it.
I want to fish for musky. I saw a show on VS where a guy had taken an old friend out to fish with live bait. Man they were pulling fish up right off the end of a residential dock that really made me question anyone who would swim that water... These fish were BRUTAL!
Hey Westfork...My brother and I used to ice fish for walleye and pike at Wolf Lake just south of Chicago in the middle of winter when the lake was froze over...trying to fight a big pike or walleye with a small rod through a small hole was a lot of fun...cold but fun, then in the summer fish for big lake perch and smallies in Lake Michigan...Back in the day!!!..Booyah
Fishing in Ice Conditions is Fun!

Went to salish one time and it was around 40F and me and my friend both caught brooders!
But since we walk home cause we live across the streeet, We made it to he middle school and had to call my dad cause our hands were crying and freezing.
Ok, Now I need your Guys Help.

So Im going there again tomarrow if I can, and I dont know what to do. I know lures wont work so Its only Plastics, But What plastics? I have some 2 Inch little grubs I can put on a Jig or split shot rig,
The water there is VERY Clear and the bass tend to hang around 5' water around the lillys. Can I use Topwater Lures? Like Topwater Frogs?
There are a lot of frogs in the area........
Are Live frogs illeagle to use for bait?
If that were me out there I'd be using a top water soft plastic, like a about a 4 or 5" frog or a 6" plastic worm. I rig the worm texas rig with a 1/8 oz bullit weight. Slide the weight down to it touches the head of the worm and stick a toothpick in the top hole to keep it from sliding up your line and getting wraped around sticks and stuff !! Cast it on top of the pads keeping the bait on top of the water, drag it on top of the pads making a lot of noise. Bring the bait to the edge of the pads and let it drop straight down, let a little line out if you have to, lock your bail and watch your line go sideways, set the hook and ... for me early morning. I like usin the black and white sencos with a little smelly jelly. Oh live frogs...illeagl :naughty:
Hopes this helps you out ... Tight Lines...BOOYAH :dance:
I would use a 6'' unweighted Senko with 6 or 8 pound line. Red and black worked for me today, if it's sunny out shoot for darker colors, Garlic or Anise Smelly Jelly also doesn't hurt. Stay back and away, low to the water try to cast it as gently as possible. Don't move it just let it sink real slow and twitch it every now and then. Pay close attention for all you will feel is a light tap when they take it in. One tap they took it, two taps they took it and spit it out, three taps they took it spit it and decided to take it again (or another fish vulched it) a bunch of light taps real fast and he's just gumming it. If you feel a bunch of light taps don't set the hook and he most likely doesn't have it up past the hook and all you will do is tear your baits up. However as soon as you feel that first tap SET IT HARD!

You can get some sharp scissors and split a Senko tail in two or into four for some ectra action.

Today I also hooked some of red and gold spinnerbaits with a small silver colorado blade and larger brass willow blade along with another red and black senko off the back, fished slow around wood.

Good luck!
Thanks Guys, a lot of Goood Advice.
So In the spot that I fish I have seen some 20 Inch (I was to excited to get a good estimate) Bass rolling and Jumping sometimes in Random place IN The lilly pads? what? why would they be jumping in random place cause I dident see anything up were they were jumping, No frogs,dragon flys, mice, Bunnys (lol).

And Ill think Ill go with a Spinning set and A Plastic Frog, Over the lilllys and Let it sit in the Pockets.
they don't just go airborne for food, sometimes they're spooked in the water - bigger fish, other critters, etc.
i would recommend using heavier line when working the lilly pads. try braid. i cuts well through the lillys and u dont need to worry bout them being scared of the line since its got matts over it.
Ok, So I went to Blue lake Yestaday And caught about 6 Little Bass.
But for little 8 Inches they bent my rod like I was snagged!!
I was using a Diawa Shock, With 10Lb and Small Jig heads with Little Crawfish Bodys.

I learned how to finess fish

the bass se the bait, Get close,
and before they leave,
twitch it
Keep doing this until they get Pissed off and they will hit it.
Troutier Bassier said:
Ok, So I went to Blue lake Yestaday And caught about 6 Little Bass.
But for little 8 Inches they bent my rod like I was snagged!!
I was using a Diawa Shock, With 10Lb and Small Jig heads with Little Crawfish Bodys.

I learned how to finess fish

the bass se the bait, Get close,
and before they leave,
twitch it
Keep doing this until they get Pissed off and they will hit it.

Hey troutier, what part of the lake are u fishing at?

I fished the whole lake,
In Water No Deeper then 3 Feet,
I walked around the Whole Lake,
Focus on the Lilly Pad Areas, That where I caught most of mine.
And at the East end of the Lake where the Willow tree is.
Thats a Really Good Spot.
Look for Bluegill and you will find Largemouth.

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