Favorite moment of fishing...

Troutier Bassier
Active member
What is your Favorite Fishing Moment Of all time? The one that will be the Best, The moment that can't be Beat? It can be some of the Best Fishing in Oregon, Or the Biggest fish you ever Caught, It just has to be your Favorite moment of all time.:D

Mine happend sometime in June this year, Early, Maybe 6am. Me and my Best Friend (Jake) were at Chinook Landing, A good day of Catching Nothing, Jake has never caught a Bass before so I leave to look for a spot where they Might be, We start Casting in a place where Minnows Congregate. I cast a Shad Colored lure and Fish on, He dident belive me Until It Jumped. He started Tweakin out and I was Laughing:lol:. You couldent Imaging the Look on his Face when I Got it in, He though Catching bass was Impossible :rolleyes:. I tell him where to cast and Everything, He dose and He gets his first bass. Wowsers. He was as Happy as a Kid in a Candy Store..... Im sure we will Both never forget those 5 Minutes of our Lives.
I was about your age an in Mississippi on vacation an fishing a large Bass Pond in the Park. I cast down along the edge of a low bridge that crossed a the pond. About half way back with the Rapala an about a 4lbs came out from under the bridge. Fallowed it for 5' when a monster came out an chased him off. Then the monster turned an came for it. Took teh Rapala at about 10' from me. The best part was the clear water making it possible for me to see the whole thing. That pig was over 9lbs but not the fight I was expecting.
About 1972 I lived in central/northern Minnesota. We were surrounded by lakes and it really was a fishing paradise. I've got several favorite moments from that time in my life including some ice fishing stories.

One summer day I caught some grasshoppers and walked down our road to a small lake. I cast out under some trees (I think hoping for bass) and something slammed my bait. It fought like crazy and I couldn't believe it when I pulled in a pumpkinseed (sunfish) as big as a medium sized plate -- the biggest one I have ever seen. I was so excited! I was convinced I had caught a record fish and so were some of the neighbor men I showed it to. I remember my mom taking a picture of me with it, but we were very poor at that time and I don't think she ever even sent it in to the paper (local fishing reports were very common in small towns...still are). I'm sure we ate it :). Still, it's a great memory! The world looked a lot different then...at least to me ;)
Amazing! How many inches do you think it was?
Troutier Bassier said:
Amazing! How many inches do you think it was?

I'm not sure, and I don't want to exaggerate, but now you got me thinking about it. I'm going to call my mom (she lives in TX) and ask her if she still has the photo album that held our fishing pictures. That picture might be in there along with some others I can remember. I'll see if I can come up with some proof :).
well mine is kind of a strange one, but memarable just the same.. in 1990 I had just returned to spokane from my 1st trip working on a crab boat in alaska it was june and fishing was really starting to heat up on the st joe river out of st maries idaho, I had been over at my best flyfishing buddys apartment drinking a few beers and we decided we had to get knee deep in some freezing water so we planned to meet at 4 am at a gas station so we would be at the river half hr or so before light and stake out some good real estate for the day, by the time I got home my friend called and said his grandfather had a stroke and he was leaving for orifino and wouldn't be able to make it, so I had a few more beers and decided to scrap the trip. it was 1;30 in the morning and I was pretty tanked when I went to bed and didn't set an alarm... strangely I woke at 3'45 am sober as could be and wide awake with a knawing feeling about me I couldn't sleep so I decided screw it, I,ll go by myself and loaded my truck and headed out. around 5;30 I was driving up the st joe looking for a spot that spoke to me, but I just kept driving past good run after good run. soon I was high up into the valley and for some reason decided I would go fish a spot on the smaller north fork that I had not been to in about 5 yrs. As I headed up the lonely canyon the hazy line of blue black dawn was appearing over the tops of the treees on the hills all of a sudden I noticed a black lab laying in a opening about 50 yards off the road. as I drove on It began to wear on me, someone really might be missing such a great gun dog so I turned around and drove the 2 miles back to the dog that was still there, thats when I noticed laying on the ground next to him was about a 6 yr old boy in a t- shirt and some under-roose... the dog stood and the hackles raised on his back but did not growl... and I new I was screwed.. I was gonna get bit, so I sat down and started humming softly and looked at the dog... we had about a 20 minute time of reflection together then all of a sudden he ran over and started licking me and wagging his tail uncontrollably, then ran back to the boy and back to me then the boy again.. I aproached VERY cautously and picked him up... he was freezing, so I took him to my truck threw the dog in the back and floored it for the ranger station down river. about 3 miles down the dog bailed out and ran into the woods, I backed up and way back down a spur trail I saw the nose of a ford pickup truck, so I pulled up and the dog was running in the open flaps of a large tent, moments later a man came out looking very concerned and I told him I had a boy, and he had hypothermia.. the man jumped in my truck and we headed for st maries... long and short of it, the kid was fine.. he had got up to go to the bathroom and his dad wouldnt wake up so he stepped out of the tent alone, got turned around and started walking and yelling dad, the dog followed and at the opening I found him in the dog laid down and would not go further so the little feller sat down and waited too, and fell asleep.
I didn't even wet a line that day, but I did find a very concrete piece of evedence that there is a god and he uses us, mabey just once in a life, but he does or will... someday. I always follow my gut know, and it has lead me to amazing places.:)
Incredible story man!
This is a hard one because they are all good!

I guess the recent one is when I took a friend from New Mexico fishing at JC pond last year.
He had to borrow my gear to fish with and the only fish caught was his.
A 10 lb 28 inch brooder rainbow!!
Red power bait under a bobber in the rain.
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Halibuthitman, Thats a amazing story. I try to listen to myself, But I dont know what I say. :think:
Halibuthitman, as a father of three and a grandfather of ten, your experience on that trip hit home for me. A nice reminder of what's important in life. Thanks for posting it.
anytime i went and the kids caught fish.As much as i like to catch them i liking watching the kids catchem more.Helps me remember how excited i got when i was young and catchin fish.Good Times.

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