Egg-loops with a fly vise

I've never heard anyone mention this before, but I picked up a cheap vise today to make some jigs, and used it to replenish my egg-loop supply. I have to say having a 3rd hand makes a huge difference and I was able to tie up 20 in about an hour. Much better quality than holding it in my hand, and my thumb didn't end up a pin cushion like it normally does.

Normally I can only manage about 6 turns on each of the 2 parts (12 total), but with the vise I could do 10-12 for a much better looking knot. And it's really quick.
I did this a few years ago, I made so many at the time that i haven't had to do it since :P

Realy easy to do
Anyfishisfine said:
Normally I can only manage about 6 turns on each of the 2 parts (12 total), but with the vise I could do 10-12 for a much better looking knot. And it's really quick.

Ive found if you can do more like 15 and 5 it will hold your bait a little better. Also after doing enough by hand you will get used to it and not feel the pain.
OneMore said:
Ive found if you can do more like 15 and 5 it will hold your bait a little better. Also after doing enough by hand you will get used to it and not feel the pain.
Yep, this is what I call a "two-stage" egg loop. It's the one you want for bait.
The "single stage" egg loop is better for fishing "straight yarn" slides up and cinches.
no matter how you do it its a smart idea to tie your own, I lost a very nice fish saturday becouse a store bought rig cut itself at the eye... laziness cost me the only hit all day.:(
Lol I'm just too cheap to tie my own, and I have it down to where I can tie them very fast...I'll have to try it on my vice and see if it's any easier for me or not. Seems like for me anyways, it would slow me down, just because I have got it down a certain way.
JeannaJigs said:
Lol I'm just too cheap to tie my own, and I have it down to where I can tie them very fast...I'll have to try it on my vice and see if it's any easier for me or not. Seems like for me anyways, it would slow me down, just because I have got it down a certain way.

I can tie an egg loop in 8.3 seconds... I can do it blind folded.
I do use my vise for tying yarn flies though!
Same here, I can tie them so fast I don't know if a vise would make it faster.

I am kinda consused though. Tying an egg know a size 1 hook I can get 20-25 on the first part and 7-9 for the loop part without a problem. I must be either using much bigger hooks or my line is really small. Even on a #4 trout hook I can get 12-15 total wraps and that is on a baitholder.
I just learned the bait loop and after a few tries i got it down. I used to tie a snell halfway down the shank for a onetime use bait loop. I can tie a snell in my sleep but got the baitloop down now. I tie 3x as many wraps the first time around to make a better loop.
I always tie them with a vise. Actually I use two of my vises, one smoking my pipe and two sipping some Jamason.:) Tying the egg loop and mooching rigs is relaxing. ;)
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What egg knot are you all tying that you use a vise? I can't even figure out how I would use a vise to tie the ones I do.
fish_4_all said:
What egg knot are you all tying that you use a vise? I can't even figure out how I would use a vise to tie the ones I do.
I was only kidding about a vise. I meant the other kind of vise. I just use my hands.;)
Irishrover said:
I was only kidding about a vise. I meant the other kind of vise. I just use my hands.;)

Well it wasn't just at you, I am curious how you would use a vise to tie and egg knot, any of them really. I did try this morning and was able to do one but it took me forever. The one where you wrap the line 10-12 times, then lay down a doubled large diameter line and wrap 6-8 more times over that line putting the end in the loop of the heavy line and pulling it through.

I will admit that if I got good at it that tying them that way would be easier and possibly faster than tying without a vise. Thankfully I learned how to tie the exact same thing without using the heavier line.
Irishrover said:
I was only kidding about a vise. I meant the other kind of vise. I just use my hands.;)

Now we are talking have lots of Vises,been doing the loop for over 60 yrs getting tough in low light,almost able to just do it by feel.

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