Early summer steel opportunities

Hey everyone,

I will be travelling (south) through Oregon sometime around the first couple weeks of June. I will be with my girlfriend so unforunatly this isn't a full on fishing trip, but I have been given the green light to fish for 2-3 days.

I have a few vauge questions and a couple more specifics. Any feedback would be GREATLY apreciated, not looking for GPS coordinates but rather a point in the right direction.

Is the begining of June too early for summer steel? Too late for springers? Should I leave the heavier gear at home and perhaps just concentrate on trout?

Ideally, I would have my 3 fishing days split up like so:

1 full day w/ hired guide, drift for summer steel (recommendations please!)
2 days fishing a flow based out of a nice campground w/ easy walk/wade access to said river.

We will probably shoot to Portland, check out the city for a couple days then make our way down the coast (looking into different options now ie coast vs inland) all the way to southern california to visit some family for a while. Lot of information available on this site (which is great by the way) and on the net just a lot to sort through so once again, any reccomendations would be gladly apreciated.

Anyways, don't want to ramble and bore you too much longer. Anyquestions just ask, thanks in advance!

By june you will be seeing springers out of tillamook rivers and the nestucca and 3rivers. Along with summer steelhead. Im not sure of the timing but getting down on the Umpqua and Rouge in june, you could get into some real nice fishing for both.
Wilson and Trask for sure and if you want to try closer to Portland go to the Sandy or Clackamas.
Early mid june is prime time for most rivers for springers.... and summers start pouring in around june and have been in the rivers since early april...

I would say skip the urban rivers imo if you want to get into fish... if you have a day to burn in portland I would get ahold of 'Ed Fast' and drift the Sandy from dodge to oxbow or dabney.

If you want to better shot at fish.. I would hit the Wilson, Nestucca, and Rogue... those 3 should have plenty of fish.. both summers and springers.


Thanks for the replies, will post report if i manage to get out.
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