Early season scouting

Took some time off from fishing today and headed for eastern oregon to do some hiking and bird scouting. The first stand of trees I come to I find about 20 or so birds heading up the side of a hill. Some how I was able to get within ten yards of them multiple times and spent a solid 20 minutes within 20 yards of them:D. Normally these guys take off like a bat out of hell when I get anywhere near them, but today they didn't seem to mind me one bit. I even did a little calling which they seemed to find quite amuzing. Is it just me or is anyone else excited about turkey season:D?


I was hollering to a couple of Toms this morning in my back yard. They were starting to get hot!! I was using a slate call and I have decoys out year round. A couple weeks too go.
When are we going? I'll drive.:D:lol:
I can't get exited about turkey hunting, theres about fifteen that live right around my property all year. Brian
capblack said:
I can't get exited about turkey hunting, theres about fifteen that live right around my property all year. Brian

That's awesome. I used to have a group that lived at my place. I had captive turkeys and the wild birds would spend all day with them.
I was watching a recording of Hank Parker outdoors from this weekend and they where fishing and turkey hunting and these two toms messed up their decoy it was pretty funny hank was all like making sound to shoo them away and they wouldnt leave they kept attacking the decoy lol
Beautiful. Everytime I try to go turkey calling, it turns into an elk-scouting trip. I'm hoping to get lucky tomorrow a.m. (last day of spring turkey) and call in a bird.

At least my fall elk spotting is well underway.
Got some good pics of my 2010 buck a week or so ago, I'll have no problem finding him with a willamette tag! buck1.jpg buck2.jpg
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