Drift Off

if it warms up... the frost build up of the last week melting will be enough to kick a few fish up the river, throw in a touch of rain and the fishing might get down right spectacular:)
What a question!
The wilson is pretty far away. Id have to rake a lot Of leaves to be able to go..

Ill let ya ride in the back of my pick-up...covered with a canopy.

Ill be there. But if its icy in the coast range, someone better pick up the guy walking down the highway with his fishing gear. I dont trust my old Datsun in the ice.:lol:
I can't wait! Frostbite shmostbite, I still got some feeling in my fingers after last Saturday!:dance: I will have an extra seat in the Jeep if anybody is in need of a ride, I'm coming from Tigard.
I'm pretty sure I'll be there :lol:

I'll also be bringin a few stragglers along with me.......Fluffy Fisherman, and Nick-109.......my family and friends should be joining us later at the pizza place.
OK, at the risk of sounding like a complete idiot I'm just going to ask because for some reason this just hit me. Are we drift fishing from the bank or is this drifting in a boat? Since I don't own a drift boat that could be a problem. I don't know why I didn't think of this till now but I hear "fishing" and the rest of my brain tunes out.:doh::redface::whistle:
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