Did you fish the above explained rig in the Clack? If you did, where? I just know that drift fishing requires nearly no slack in the line, it is how you feel, and bounce bottom, the two or three times you should during your normal drift. Without a taught line it would be impossible to feel the bottom ticks, and be able to pull up on your rod to get your bait, or lure up again. It is really the only way to effectivly hook into fish...with a taugh line. Just practice drift fishing, and bobber fishing, and use them when they are called for in the river section you are fishing. Hate to say it but all the info you would ned to target, and hook into fish is on the Forums. Everything you need to make up rigs, and where, and how to fish certain sections of water, especially on the Clack, is on OFF. a lot of my posts, with pictures, share quite a bit of information on where I fished, and boated/banked it, as well as what section of water I was on is all there. Just use the Search feature available to users. The only thing that I can't show, or tell you is technique. That is something that is different, person, to person. Everybody does something just a little different, to catch fish. Once you really learn to drift fish properly, keep a journal, and record everytime you go fishing, what you used, lures, or bait, what colors they were, how much split shot, hooks, and leader used if applicable, weather conditions, like barometer, air temp. & water temp. & perhaps most important, river levels. And finally what you caught, species, weight, length, condition, if anything at all. And time of day landed. My journal is mostly blanks in the "Retained/Released" category that I record the fish species, sex, Brat or Wild genes, length, weight,(approx. if wild) & if I retained, or released the fish. It helps me have more consistency in my fishing outings, and has since become helpful in helping me pick what to use, and what color, for a specific, species, during a certain season. I break it down that far, and it has made me a better fisherman. But do search the forums for help. It is there. And, I would not like to do a fishing clinic, as I do not tell, or teach anyone how to fish, that is not my place to do so. I just show people how I fish, what I fish and how it works. From there it is your own decision on how to apply, or adapt it to your own methods. The only clinics I put on are with spinners in front of the snaggers! YOWWW!!