Down time

So i've always been a fisherman, from the time I was 2 years old i've been chasin these scaley little critters around. But my problem has always been, what can I do when the sunlight is gone and I still feel like fishin. I tried cleaning and preping my gear, that wasn't enough. So I sit and watch Bill dance and Shaw Grisbey slay bass on the tube, that helps but it's just not enough. So I come onto this site and read all the new posts, it's awsome and gets me excited to fish:D, but it's still not quite what I need.
So a few months ago my sister goes and gets a tiny little weiner dog. I've always liked dogs but I didn't really see any reason to have a dog the size of a coke can. It barks, it shakes, it eats my underwear, and it likes to p**s on EVERYTHING:mad:. So i'm sittin on the couch one night and I watch this little dog tearin up a little chew toy and I get an idea. So I go out to my shop, grab my 7 foot bass pole, and threw on an old shiamono baitcaster with 20 lb line. Then I tied on this little bone shape chew toy and gave it a cast. First cast and dog on, she ran through the kitchen with my drag screamin but I lost her in some cover ( a chair). Second cast and bam i'm on again, and fought her for like 5 minutes before she spit the bait and headed for the water bowl.
I never thought i'd ever find something to fill my down time but luckily now i've got this little dog. If I get skunked during the day I can still come home and fight all night. She doesn't fill my tags but definalty puts a smile on my face after a hard day of fishing:D.
Hilarious! I should try that with my cats!
Nice. I have a 5 month-old 40 pounder. I should see what kind of fight he puts up. Poor guy is getting his fins clipped Friday. Both of them :shock:

Hopefully that won't take too much of the spunk out.
Anyfishisfine said:
Nice. I have a 5 month-old 40 pounder. I should see what kind of fight he puts up. Poor guy is getting his fins clipped Friday. Both of them :shock:

Hopefully that won't take too much of the spunk out.

Haha this little dog just wen't into heat and my 13 year old unclipped german shepard is going absolutly NUTS. Shes goin into the vet reeeeeeeeaaaaaallllll soon:lol:.

Meluvtrout i've tried it with my cat, she just looked at me with that "are you &*#%$@! kidding me" look. Apparenlty she doesn't find it quite as fun as the dog does.
When I was a kid we had bunk beds, and would 'jig' for cats from the top bunk using Meow-Mix tied to a string.
I loved this post. Put a big a&& smile on my face. I miss my little doggie R.I.P. She was a little bugger but always acted like she was a rottweiler...I think I may need to go get me a little bastard :-). Unconditional Love.
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hahahaha I do this with my weiner! only I got her a stuffed rainbow trout squeaker toy thinger that she goes absolutely insane for when I first got her, which may or may not have been a mistake lol... I take her fishing, and have to be careful if I want to release anything because she'll kill 'em. She goes into a frenzy and doesn't stop until she's killed the fish, or it goes in the cooler out of sight. She has even jumped out of the boat to get a fish i'm reeling which point she realizes she can't swim, AT ALL...she sinks she now has a doggie life vest. Not sure I will be able to take her again though :( she's got major back problems (and she's a young dog not overweight) and is currently barely able to use her legs, loaded on steroids and muscle relaxers with strict cage confinement for the next 6 weeks. So take care of that little weiner you've got, back surgery cost me 6k a year ago for the little rat.
what an hilarious thread, I first tried that on my Sable Shepard some years ago. She wasn't having it at all. She came in easier than a spawned out toolie, sat at my feet and gave me that "Why.... why are you doing this look" so I beefed up my tackle and went angling for bigger game my 4 year old daughter. In spite of efforts to evade capture she got pulled across the kitchen floor on her belly. Thought about gaffing her but decided to turn her loose to grow some more..... Boy that was a costly mistake $$$$$$$
After thinking about this a bit, to be honest I'm not sure I want to do this with my dog. I'm getting him used to hanging with me when I'm fishing, being mellow and all of that.

I think I'd be more worried about having him there if he got into the habit of chasing whatever is hanging from my pole because sooner or later that something is going to have a hook attached.
metalmania said:
Meluvtrout i've tried it with my cat, she just looked at me with that "are you &*#%$@! kidding me" look. Apparenlty she doesn't find it quite as fun as the dog does.

It's all about the presentation... Ultra light trout rod, 2lb test line and smaller baits. Perhaps a catnip mouse toy could do the trick! :D

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