Double header buckets and steel

TT and I decided that another river bop was in order . Knew the weather was iffy didn't care both had a friday off ! took our time not sure what time we finally hit the river but it was nice . still up a liitle but lookin good. got ready decided since i had some eggs left would rig to side drift for some steelhead or so I always think ! Rolled out and it didn't take long TT was taterin the cutthroat ,the welcome bonus on the way to the pond! Ikept gettin bumped while tryin to perfect the side drift , must have been small trout and such hooked nothin . River was still movin quick didn't take long and it was time to switch gears and hunt us down some bass . Got our gear switched and off into pond waters we slid fished for bout an hour no luck saw a bunch of little ones decided to head down to the next set. re rigged for the river decided to pop the ol thomas bouyant on see if i could catch some trout ! Shoved off and pretty much instantly bam little cutthroat . proceeded to tater the trout all the way down to the next stop I even caught one rainbow about 13" or so . Once again switched gears and off we went ! imediately bass action ,bunch of small ones .TT quickly lost count as I went nuts because they were so small they couldnt swallow my topwater bait but they were smackin the **** out of it so this monkey wouldnt give up . We leap frogged around the pond talkin, castin me sayin dang it a lot TT catchin one 10-12 incher after the other when all of a sudden I am watchin TT cast and boom the water erupts as a big lm engulfs his bait ! TT sets the hook and instantaneously the drag starts whining. pole bent over this brute made two good runs ,but TT manage d to get him in thinkin right around 5lbs or so fattie! fished on for another hour finally caught myself a couple smalll ones topwater "stubborn dummy ". gettin late so we decided to head on in hit the river again floated throwin the thomas dingin the occasional trout. Had just started down the home stretch I am castin away had just set a 10 inch rainbow loose ,when lightning strikes! baaaalaaaaam my pole goes down and I see the huge image flash in front of me!!!!! All I could think was I am so screwed free driftin 8lb test no anchor ,no net oh well here we go !!! spent the next 1/4 mile figuring for sure I would loose this fish just tryin to land it !!! What a battle this buck spooled me 8 times went under my toon splashed the livin crap out of me before I finally bear hugged and gill grabbed this 29"buck with a huge gasp of releif .My first fish on the tag this year and what a fight .Drifted past two driftboats fightin him also which was sweet ! All in all a nother perfect one Id say huh TT? Looks like we got sumthin for the BBQ this 4th fileted out nice ! Had heard of people catching them on thomas lures but this is a first for me!!!
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