
hit the river around 7am. first cast fish wasn't no tap tap, more lika SLAM. got her to the bank, she was around 9 pounds with good color and stuffed full of eggs.
went down river for alittle while with no luck. came back up to the same on
same bait, same rig, same size fish, and same color defenitly a mirror image.
when i got home they had darkned a lot...thankfully i had my camera on me when they came out.
great morning on the water.
thanks guys, ya can't wait for winters.....summers are still fun though. took nso long for the second fish to tire out, had her laying on her side atleast 8 times. then when id for for the tail grab, she would run back out, it was quite commical
You seem to have found your niche in life, at least for the time being. Good to see that someone is being successful on the water. I'm still fishing the net. :(
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