Devil's Lake, Lincoln City

Hey so gonna be making a trip to the coast next week and want to do some bass fishing and saw Devil's Lake on google maps and was curious if anyone knew anything about the lake? any info helps!
I know that there are trout and carp in there. Plus, it has some lily pads and weedy areas. So, there just might be some bass in there too.
I know that there are trout and carp in there. Plus, it has some lily pads and weedy areas. So, there just might be some bass in there too.

Yes, there are trout. Also perch (caught quite a few there when I was young) and bass.

Keep in mind that the grass carp were specifically introduced to battle the weeds and those fish are protected in that lake - don't keep them...though targeting bass would make that virtually impossible, I'm sure.
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Keep in mind that the grass carp were specifically introduced to battle the weeds and those fish are protected in that lake - don't keep them.

That's right Chez; thanks for adding that. That fact was in the back of my noggin', but didn't make it to my computer keys. LOL
The white Amurs (grass carp) have cleaned up the vegetation in the lake exceedingly well. This has been great for the trout fishery as there is still enough vegetation to allow habitat for aquatic organisms that trout eat, but really BAD for the warm water species in the lake. The reason Bass, perch, etc have suffered badly is that there is not enough vegetation for the fry to hide in and survive to reach adult size. No adult recruitment means a lost fishery. Since I love stillwater trout fishing this makes me happy, but the bass guys that always loved Devils lake are sadly dissapointed!

This is a sad dilemma about the bass fishing at that lake. Hopefully, without starting another war like in that other carp thread...LOL...I wonder if there could have been a better balance struck by not adding so many of the carp? I understand it was near 35-40,000? Perhaps fewer carp would have done a decent job without swinging the pendulum so far? Or, would it just delay the inevitable effect of their presence? Would a predatory species like bass and large trout have been able to keep carp propagation minimized by them devouring small young carp before they reach adulthood?

I admit to having little knowledge of fishery ecology systems.
When it comes to anything other than trout this lake is a joke! I was there a few weeks ago and landed a few trophy sized trout, but I was disappointed to see that was the only fish in these waters. I had read about how great this lake use to be and now it's just a busy trout lake. This lake is perfect example of why Oregon is a very frustrating state to fish if you fish for anything other than Salmon/trout as that seems to the only fish the state cares about. Oh well...... Good luck landed the lunkers.
thanks for all the input that saves me a day tryin to catch something im prob not gonna catch in there, might just head up to cape mears
I think they should have only put about 200-300 Grassers just to keep the vegetation in check, rather than remove all of it, that lake is pretty much a Grass Carp experiment, but they will eventually die off and the vegetation should make a comeback. The state went extremely overboard with the Grass Carp stocking, they don't have much food source anymore either, so they shouldn't last long, last time I was there late last year I saw a couple medium size ones floating around, they probably would've grown bigger with more food source.

A Grasser can eat its own weight in vegetation each day, the ones in Devils Lake are not much smaller than 18lbs considering they can't spawn and the only ones in there are the ones that were stocked years ago. An interesting story I once read was talking about how Grass Carp will eat reeds and swim along the surface making it look like a swimming reed while they eat it like spaghetti.
my friends lives on devils lake and he takes cornflakes and feeds the grass carp... one handfull will bring at least 10 of em to shore

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