
Haven't been on the water or on OFF for a while n am hopn I'm not to late to strike steel I got the ok from the misses to hit the eagle or cedar creek next week and jus wanted to kno If there still in there cliped n shine'n or at least eatable?
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Eagle creek is pretty empty. Theres a few descent fish lower down but after are last rain most of the fish shot to the hatch, and few new fish came in. I think cedar and the clack might be a better bet.
yea me and metal were on the eagle for like 6 hours and didn't evan see a fish roll.. was at the sandy and seen a drift boats with fish so at least there in there maybe not many but they are there
Just wait for the upcoming rain and will see what happens. If it gets no better than hopefully the nooks and summers make up for it
yea and to be honest with you I know I have no idea but this lil thing in me says its not over yet and these fish might supprise us all after this ran...... well thats what im hopping, glass half full kinda guy. and if i keep telling my girlfriend there are fish in the river she can't be so mad about me being gone all day so keep the lack of fish on the down low lol
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