Couple of questions...

I was just curious if you guys use packaged leaders or just buy leader material? I bought leader material and I was also curious how much leader is typically used on a fly line?

And after putting the leader on how much tippet is generally used?

Last, I was wondering what everyone thought of the knot-less connections? I saw them at Bi-Mart and you just stick the spike into the center of the fly line then tie the leader to that.


Now this is just my opinion, I carry both premade tapered leaders along with 8#, 6#, 4# and two pound fluorocarbon lines. I make my own unless I find the factory made tapered ones on sale somewhere. Depending on what I am trying to accomplish I sometimes just use a section of one size, when using the smaller patterns like 18 - 26 sized flies the premade tapered do drop down to about the size of a hair; for ease of tying them on:rolleyes: my vision only works well when I am measuring the length of my catch;) .
Each angler will find her/his personal techniques and run with them, tight lines to you.

If you have never read it, The Curtis Creek Manifesto has an excellent section on leaders, that helped me greatly understand the purpose, and the functionality of a leader. First and foremost, you need to have some sort of taper in your leader, whether its hand tied with leader material, or packaged.

I would say go to the fly shop, and pick up a copy of the Curtis Creek manifesto if you haven't already done so; if they don't have the CCM, consider finding a new fly shop.

For the Record, I am a packaged leader type of fellow, because I hate the idea of relying on three or four extra knots that I tied when I hook up with that trophy rainbow.

Troutski does the same thing I do. I'll tie on a tapered leader using it as my foundation. You can always cut off the lighter line at the end then tie on something a little heavier or vise versa using a blood knot. As a general rule, the leader should be the length of the rod plus or minus depending on the size and weight of the fly. Like Troutski mentioned, always carry spools of assorted leaders. As far as the spike, this was something my sister introduced me to in New Zealand and I haven't found any. Bi-Mart eh? I thought they were a good thing, very sturdy and convenient but mastering the alternative nail knot is something all fly fishermen should know.:)
Knots....!!! love 'em or hate 'em

Knots....!!! love 'em or hate 'em

"I LOVE THE NAIL NOT" I made my own little tool, not cheap mind you - just thought it would be handy. I emptied the ink cartridge from a pen with a metal tube, normally the older pens. Flushed the ink out and soldiered a split ring to it and hang it on my vest via zert-zert thingy. It seems like the knots in our chosen past time are so wonderful to learn and use. Most of my friends don't understand me either, what ever you chose; you are headed down a very wonderful path. Fly angling is one of those things in life you will never tire of...your body may but your heart won't. JMHO

What about the uni-knot for leader joins? I've read about both but haven't seen arguments for using one over the other. Of course, I haven't spent my time trying to tie either, so maybe difficulty is part of the argument?

Now, which connection are you talking bout? Uni-knot is a bad ass knot, but one I find absolutely impossible to tie when my fingers are all wind-numb.

Personally, I only ever tie two knots: the "Castwell," for line to leader, and a 2X Surgeons for leader to tippet.

If I need to tie a chunk of leader material in because I forgot to buy more tapered leaders, I'll put a blood knot in the thick stuff, but, again, I find it hard to tie a blood knot when I am too cold.

The Castwell, which I mentioned above, is a knot that I learned from a friend, who directed me to FAOL, or Fly Anglers Online (.com). It is one of the coolest knots I know; it's simple, easy to tie, and has NEVER failed on me. You can find it here.
I like the nail knot...Metalfisher showed me it first with the tool needed (never thought of making one) and then on the Deschutes yesterday Brian also used the nail knot. Made a huge difference with what I had tied...hehe, I am a newbie...hey....

Thanks for all youse guys information on knots....I am cramming my head with too much the way the Manifesto was awesome in helping me out and getting me started...still have to read it a few more times to keep it retained in the ol head...hehe
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