Could it get any worse....

Ok so i finely got some time to get out and do some fishing for steelhead this morning, the sun is shinning,the river has got back down to a fishable level and the wife said it was ok !

the day started out good, went over to fish farnham and had a hit with the 5th cast but it shook my hook. After 30 mins with no more hits i headed up to Tide and that's when my day ended (as you can see it is only 9:45) So i cast out a spinner like i always do and after a few cast i realize that my spinner was to lite so i go to change it and my dog decides it's "play Time" and knocks all my open boxes out of the truck, OK no big deal pick it up and finish putting on my weight, i head down and start casting out after the 3rd cast FISH i set the hook my pole bends like crazy i feel the fish pull my line as i go to start to reel in hard...BAM! the pole breaks and and then the line goes limp....all i can say at that time is know the rest. OK now i am like hmmm i have a pole all rigged for a bobber and eggs so i will just float some eggs (that i thawed out last night) Nope forgot the eggs at home! so i jump in the truck bail out of the parking spot to hurry home to get my eggs and what do i see flying up on my rear view....Yep State trooper, pulls me over and asked where i was headed in such a hurry (after talking to him for 5 minutes he let me go with a "happy new year warning") So i get home only to here my wife tell me she forgot she has a Dr. appointment and i need to stay home and watch my 4 year old! Anyway no more fishing today...oh and Happy New Years to all! can always get worse;) Good job braving the cold, was too much for me yesterday. At least you hooked some fish and didn't get a ticket like eugene said.
Sounds like a pretty good darn day to me. And I was out on the water most of today (Wilson). I did break my rod last week though. Congrats on the hook up.
Yeah but were you able to visually or otherwise confirm steelhead? Or is it a residual Coho/Chinook. Broken rod sounds like Otter bite? Or ...your line froze to your line guide and you cranked on it? MEH!

Hooked a fish...LEO lets you go with a happy new year. Wife going to a doctor appointment...not leaving you to be with her doctor boyfriend...I see no problems here.
Sounds like you had one of my days! I assume those were coho which is kind of cool since im taking some kids over there tomorrow and they'll get to fight a few fish even if the steelhead are elusive.
Ha. I don't care what anyone else says...... Thats a pretty crappy day! ;) I always say... Any day fishing is better than a day at work ..... Yours was just on the lame side of a fishing day....

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