Cool Deal On Beads

I was talking about cabelas stuff in my other post ...but...I decided to give their Walleye bead assortment a try also..these havent been delivered yet but I will post a review have I make a few spinners from them 3000 assorted beads in 10 colors in 4mm & 5mm. Have any of you guys tried using these?
Two brothers I know who guide the Columbia use that exact same set of beads for some of their Walleye fishing needs. They keep buying those ones for a reason. Although they stick mostly to fishin worms, and various baits by themselves, out of a boat for Walleye.
I got them yesterday...I dressed up one dodger so is a really good mix of colors. I am going to buy a new pc cable for my camera today.
Oregonchris said:
I got them yesterday...I dressed up one dodger so is a really good mix of colors. I am going to buy a new pc cable for my camera today.

And then what happened? I mean, where are the photos?
ok ok I will try to get a pic up this week.
What ever happened to the photos? ?? ????
They are kingd of amll beads I use them moslty on hoochies as spacers...Would you like to see photos of those?
Oregonchris said:
They are kingd of amll beads I use them moslty on hoochies as spacers...Would you like to see photos of those?

Yes I would.

Ok I keep forgetting but I promise I will try my best to do it before Friday this week.
The suspense is killing me.:D
There never were any beads, where there....:lol:
You have been caught in my net of circular logic! prepare to be digested in the stomach juices of my brain the next one thousand years.
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We went to the Star Trek movie at I max Im not getting the pictures up today...BTW if you want to see one great movie go to see this flick.
I GIVE UP, I am never going to get to see them. NUTZ!
What Beads ?????
Sorry this took so long...the picture on the first post is a better quality image.



OK now we've been there and done that, where are the results (spinners etc) that you have made from them?

Pushy ain't I?
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