Cooking with 'ground' ocean fish


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On a recent cooking show, Chef Jet Tila used a technique on ocean fish (mahi-mahi, Food Network TOC3 Ep5) that I had not seen- he processed it into ground meat raw, explaining that by 'working' the raw protein and then cooking it, the result would be more like ground chicken or pork and less like crumbly fish.

It worked really well for him, one judge actually thought it was ground pork, and I considered all sorts of dishes that I could try using ground lingcod or rockfish in, things that I could swap in a firm ground fish protein (stuff I catch) for ground pork/chicken/turkey (stuff I would need to buy).

So I tried it and made Thai Larb Salad as my test dish, and the result was amazing, the little pellets of lingcod held together and had great taste/texture.

First half of the video is from my 3 salt water trips this year, the grinding/cooking starts about 5m20s into the video if you want to jump to that. cheers, roger

I grind salmon for burgers but I chop it very finely with a knife and add some herbs and seasoning but no binder. Holds together well.
I'll be honest, I thought putting lingcod (or rockfish or greenling or flounder/halibut) through a meat grinder would result is useless fish mush or crumbled bits. the 'working' of the protein molecules and extruding the meat out really did transform it.

My next test will be to cut a fillet into strips, season it and then run it through the grinder to mix the seasoning into the extruded ground meat.

Lingcod pizza with pesto and fresh mozzarella? Lingcod chili? Lingcod Tikka Masala?
Italian sausage pizza sliders for lunch? Nope, that is rockfish that I ground up with italian seasonings so it was incorporated into the meat nuggets.


I cook these ocean fish all the 'normal' ways- grilled, baked, crumbled for tacos, panko breaded....these 'grinding' experiments are not about avoiding those but rather exploring ways to transform the fish and use it in more tasty eats. Also ways to freeze it for quick use.
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