Close morning spot to Portland

hey guys I finally got my license for this year!!!! I was going to try to make it out tomorrow morning for a few hours before I have to work in the afternoon. I'm looking for somewhere very close to Portland. Like 10-15 miles away, I live downtown and was going to blue lake. Let me know if there is somewhere better to go for the.morning, would like to catch some dinner for after work. If not catch and release is fine too. Thanks for the help guys!
Or do you guys think i would have better luck trying to go to a river near by, as stocking in blue lake has been a long time since it was last stocked?
Stocking doesn't begin, generally, until February. However the new stocking schedule, was posted this week. Just visit the ODFW site, for details.

P.S. If you fish in streams; hopefully you remembered your Columbia Basin license endorsement.
Yes I have my endorsement! Do you think blue lake is going to be cleaned out by now. Or do you think it will have a few left?
Most lakes / ponds that were stocked last year; are likely now devoid of any stocked trout.
I belive Blue Lake was actually stocked fairly recently. But I couldn't tell you anything about the fishing pressure there.

Not that many good places for keeper trout around Portland right now. Lower Sandy for steelhead, if you're so equipped and I-84 is open. Or lots of access in Clackamas to the lower river.

I wouldn't count on either of the Metro streams for a guaranteed dinner right now.
Ya I found that out the hard way. I went to blue lake and found that 70% of the lake is frozen over. The dock area was fine. But not one bite, after an hour and a half I was over the hard wind. The ranger did tell me that there are some big ones left in the lake still. I might try estacada lake or hagg on my weekend coming up. I'll let you guys know how it goes!
Ya dr t I have heard the same thing too about the surrounding Portland area. I might try north fork and estacada lake this weekend, just hit a few spots driving down the clackamas. Water level might be a little high right now tho. I might just take my chances out at hagg
There'splenty of people here that know way more than me about the put-and-take fisheries, but if Hagg is in your travel range, I think that's your best bet.
Make sure and check the regs I believe north fork and estacada lake are closed to trout right now.
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I thought I read that they are open, but I will double check. I would rather wait another two weeks when hagg gets stocked again. I'm willing to drive about an hour from Portland on my day off so my choices are open a little more then they were today.
How about to catch a steelhead? It's kanda a big trout. )
I wouldn't mind steelhead I'm running a #4 line on a 6.5 spinmatic, think I would have issues catching steelhead?
Where would be some good spots for steelhead with in a hour of Portland? I would prefer wild over planted, but doesn't really matter...
Zoso;n601821 said:
I wouldn't mind steelhead I'm running a #4 line on a 6.5 spinmatic, think I would have issues catching steelhead?

You won't want to use 4# line, and a trout pole, for Winter Steelhead. Summers yes; winters no.
smoky;n601818 said:
Make sure and check the regs I believe north fork and estacada lake are closed to trout right now.

Good lookin' out.
Zoso;n601815 said:
I might try north fork and estacada lake this weekend

And you might get yourself a big fine doing it.

It's preached here constantly, but apparently not enough -- read the regs.
Sorry guys I should have educated myself a little better. I now see that you can not trout fish on the clack until march 22. Looks like I'll be fishing lakes until then. Anyone know any good lakes with in a hour of Portland besides hagg?
Yes I have been looking at that map a lot and doing a lot of research on a lot of the lakes and ponds. I was just wondering if anyone has any recommendations on places or any personal info on some of these places. I will be going fishing on Wednesday 24 and Tuesday the 31st. I want to wait till the 31st to go to hagg as it will be stocked by then. Just looking for a nice like or pond that is fishable this time a year to go to this week. Thanks for all the help guys, you have been a great help!
Zoso;n601822 said:
I would prefer wild over planted, but doesn't really matter...

And after you release the wild ones unharmed, I'm sure you can find plenty of people to take the hatchery ones you keep OFF your hands.

Again, there's people here who know way more than me, but Hagg was stocked recently, and is stocked so heavily through the year that it's not fished out. By far your best bet in the Portland area-extended.

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