Chasin' Water!!!

Went out looking for some new fish and found some chrome! 2 of us hooked 9, landed 6, and 5 of those were 19"-21" 1 salts! :think: Crazy to catch that many 1 salts in one morning! Every fish we hooked this morning was bright and all these goofy little steelhead must have come in on the same tide! Crazy! :D 5 of the 6 steelhead my son hooked this morning were 1 salt fish, I caught 1....couldn't bring myself to tag out on a 20" steelhead at 10:30 in the morning! Of course I never touched a fish the rest of the day! My son finally hooked another in the early afternoon and tagged out with his mini-fish so we split! Weird day! 2nd time this season we have gotten into a bunch of 1 salts.

The hen in the fish box is 24".
Just sitting here gazing into my crystal ball.....if I could only see into the future!!! If the weatherman is right and a certain river drops to a certain level before the rain returns wednsday....I'm fishin'!!! Chasing water....just trying to pick the best water!
Nice fish! I would have tryed for the same outcome you did. too bad could have left earlier with more fish but then wouldn't have got to fish all day either.
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