Butte Creek 6/21 (lots of photos)

With the hot weather I wanted to get outside today. When I left my apartment it was 84 degrees out, when I arrived at Butte Creek it was 68 degrees out. Much more comfortable. :cool:

I did not see any other people the three hours I fished (6-9pm). I had at least 100 strikes (pretty much every cast I had fish hitting my fly or my knots) but only managed to land three fish. I was using my 4wt with some sort of dry fly on in a size 18. It had wings and some red on its back. :rolleyes: Any tips for a better hookup ratio? I realize these fish are small, of the three I caught 8" was the largest. I have a hard time even seeing my fly so by the time the fish has surfaced it's too late and I set the hook on empty air. Regardless, I had a blast. Here are some photos.

Mt. Hood in some wheat on the drive up.

Upper Butte Creek Falls

Self Portrait

From the back

Lower Butte Creek Falls


And the drive home
nice! is the fishin any good there when not using flies? trying to find some new places to fish, jus begun fishing in oregon (washington native). place looks beautiful!
Nice pics! I've been trying to break free from work and hit that creek! I always fish the upper MO and Abiqua. Without seeing your line in the water my best "blind" tip is to make sure you rod is low and without slack! Slack in your fly line will kill your hook to sip ratio! I know this all to well. If that's not it, maybe you are like me and over-eager and setting the hook too soon or late.
I was back up there today for our engagement shoot. I managed to sneak in 10 minutes of 4wt time, landed a 6" and had several rises. I just need to keep the slack out of my line and be more aggressive on the mend and hook set I think.

I should have a couple photos to share soon of me calf deep in the creek in a dress shirt and vest slinging some flies...
beautiful pics MM, i can't help you any on the fly fishing, but from the looks of it, you would have had a good time without any fish at all. Brian
nice! is the fishin any good there when not using flies? trying to find some new places to fish, jus begun fishing in oregon (washington native). place looks beautiful!

I doubt those whoping 6 inch trout would be any fun on a bait rod/ spinning rod, thats 2wt water. They are probably not a ton of fun on a 4wt, except that they are hitting dries. That creek is C&R below the falls I believe and artificial fly and lure only. as are most of the creeks in Oregon.
I doubt those whoping 6 inch trout would be any fun on a bait rod/ spinning rod, thats 2wt water. They are probably not a ton of fun on a 4wt, except that they are hitting dries. That creek is C&R below the falls I believe and artificial fly and lure only. as are most of the creeks in Oregon.
id have to agree. using spinners regardless of size on a catch and release stream will just rip lip and kill em even if released.. and theres no fight in it either.
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