BRADS hooks for drift fishing

Just wanted to get some input if anyone like the Brads hooks. I picked up a couple of boxs of 50 size 1 and 4's. At less than 5 bucks a box they seem to good to be true. Ive always been an OWNER man but would like to save a little money just as long as im not giving up too much perfomance.
I was told that they are repackaged VMC hooks. VMC does make a decent hook, but they are no Owner.
I've been a Gamakatsu user for years, do you guys like the Owner hooks better?

Hooks are the one thing I'm willing to pay a premium for because they directly equal more fish.
Yeah I made the mistake of buying a bunch of Visions a while back as they were cheaper than the Gami's or the Owners I usually pick up. After have 2 hooks break before 10lb fluoro leader I went back the the Gami's
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visions are a fine wire hook, so you will have that issue.
Owner needle points, and gami hooks are the way to go for drift fishing in my opinion.

To be fair I break owners with 8lb leader all the time when pulling on snags. They snap at the bottom of the bend.
I like Brad, he's a good guy. Yes they are repacked VMC's decent hooks. I'm with Omosis..Owners are where it's at. If they would expand production i would use them on all my gear. I don't use them because it's borderline price fixing by controlling production artificially driving demand. VMC makes a solid hook and therefore I use them.
Well good to hear they are not terrible. I really do like the owners but with slow sales latly I need to save some cash. I tied up some 8# pline leaders with the brads hooks last night for a trip out today. Got this nice native steelhead and hook held just fine. Will reporty back after more trips but so far so good. I too have broken owners on snags as well.
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If I couldnt afford owners I couldnt afford to fish. Without quality hooks your wasting your time. I tried the Brads hooks on coho a couple years ago and was not impressed several were just made wrong without points. You get what you pay for.
OneMore said:
Just wanted to get some input if anyone like the Brads hooks. I picked up a couple of boxs of 50 size 1 and 4's. At less than 5 bucks a box they seem to good to be true. Ive always been an OWNER man but would like to save a little money just as long as im not giving up too much perfomance.

they might not be the best hook .....but they catch fish.....i always go for if not the cheapest but the moderate range...and yes i have caught fish on Brads, Gamaktsu, Owner and that lil wire hook which looks like it gonna break but landed one chinook for me....Vision...thats it..thats the name...
I'm by no means a pro or even closer...but i have caught fish equally in my 3 years of salmon slaying on all hooks.....some ppl told me that nickel catches more fish..some said red hook catches....some even totally rejected the idea of single hook over trebels..... they all catch fish...just keep the line tight and pressure on fish...very basic in my POV they all are catchers ..provided right size used at right place...thats whats most important
I go with Owner Cutting point hooks for drift fishing and change hooks and leader after every fish landed, weather drift or float fishing!
I really don't see how people break hooks on steelhead???
If your breaking hooks on fish your drag is improperly set.
I've broke hooks on snags but never on fish.
I really like #3 visions for drifting yarnies for steelhead. They don't bend and are SUPER sharp. Yea, if you snag, they may break, but I don't see breaking one in a fish's mouth.
Now for springers and especially fall chinook I'd for sure go with Owners or Gami's!
I've used Brad's hooks for several years now and wont' waste the extra money to buy Gam.

Besides, Brad is a pretty nice guy. He helped me learn how to fish for Salmon out of Long View, WA.
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